28 October 2008

Telstra's Fraud Reward Scheme

Telstra is Australia's Telecoms Monopoly, which owns the copper that EVERY single conversation travels along.

In its previous life it was called Telecom with government ownership, and one of Australia LARGEST cash cows.

Since the introduction of globalisation policies, ALL government utilities MUST be sold, (i.e. into private hands) by

whichever government of the day.

King Solomon and his Cronies ( sounds like a short story from an era long gone) was imported from the U.S of A, to distribute Australia's wealth to HIS buddies.

Solomon was in charge of an American company where fraud occurred, and his excuse given was that he 'did not know'.
As a C.E.O YOU are responsible.

The current article in Wikipedia has NO MENTION of previous fraudulent activity.

See articles Sol trujillo threatens Wikipedia.
These people have the power to REWRITE HISTORY!

Aaahhh Sol, thank goodness for backups !!

In an effort to boost profits and most importantly one's salary (based on performance), King Solomon and his Cronies, have cut costs to the customer.

This example is in the new BILLING system. Currently details of calls, etc have NOT been included on the bill, as they were previously.
This makes it easier for FRAUD to occur as the customer CANNOT check the correctness of the bill.

Telstra then states that the customer can check the bill over the internet. This is limiting to people with 'net access.

When you purchase groceries, the supermarket DOES NOT give you a total, and say 'you can check you items on the 'net'

This is a gradual introduction of services, where the onus applies to the customer, wiping out ALL CONSEQUENCES from the service provider.

These people are BEYOND the reach of the LAW, as shown in the U.S

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