18 October 2020

Google spied on you using your resources without your knowledge or consent

When someone has a good idea, and they have no cash behind their ‘strawman’, they crowdsource the idea where the ‘backers’ are given full disclosure and as a result decide to participate financially in the venture.

In the good ol’ days Google put cameras on vehicles and drove around the world with them for the sole purpose of mapping, with a feature called Street View, right?

Of course not, don’t be silly.

Projects of this magnitude do not have just one objective as governments are aware of this, and therefore tack on one or two more tasks to their job.

So what Google did was strap on some Wi-Fi sniffing hardware and went on a wardriving mission , where if you (the serf) did something similar and was stopped by your friendly police force you could have been prosecuted, but not Google.

Google wasn’t very honest with this action, even when they got caught out.

Google is also the world’s largest breacher of copyright, but again they cannot be touched.

Fast forward a few years where it might be time to go for another war driving mission, but there is a hitch.

The fun police came to town aka the accountants where the cost involved was too high.

What to do?

You crowdsource it, because Google is poor, i.e. not worth a few trillion yet.

How do you do it?

Well you implement a tried and tested method called SPO (Screwing People Over), that’s how.

Since just about every Thomas, Richard, Harold and his canine has an android device, you implant this into the operating system without telling people what it’s all about.

In the next major update of (Google’s) Android, the serfs cannot use their Bluetooth devices or Wi-Fi as before where this time around they MUST turn on the GPS or ‘location services’.

The details of the router (e.g. manufacturer, model, MAC address, time turned on, signal strength, etc) together with the precise location of the hardware is then sent back to Google at the expense of the user, without telling them about this or even given them the ability to opt out.

AS the numerical version of Android increases, so does its surveillance of you and the environment around you, again to the detriment of your finances.

Briefly, Apple does the same.

AS of May 2019, there are approx. 2.5 billion Android devices in the world.

Even when you’re asleep your (Google) Android phone is busy ‘Wi-Fi scanning’ the area around you and transmitting this data back to Google.

Realistically Google should have been in the courts over this multiple times over, BUT governments support this kind of surveillance as it makes the job easier for them.

Anyone wanna start a class action against Google?

Note, that this is a rhetorical question for the people in the colony called Australia, as the corrupt legal system is for the corporations.

Maybe someone in Delaware or Texas might have better luck.

One way to stop this surveillance dead in its tracks from your 'Google' phone, is that if you’ve got a phone where a pure version of Android called AOSP (Android Open Source Project) can be loaded on to (called de-Googling) then you’re in luck, otherwise you’re participating in the surveillance agenda, 24/7.

If you've got an Apple device, you cannot 'de-iOS' it, where just enjoy yourself where ever you are knowing that Apple is there with you.

Another way Google tell us that stops them from tracking you is if your Wi-Fi SSID ends with a “_nomap” tacked on the end, but should you really trust them given the fact that they hid 'spyware' in their modified version of Android?

Microsoft tell you to put “_optout” at the end.

Wouldn’t it be better if all the manufacturers stuck to the same standard?

If you're interested in more about modifying your Wi-Fi screaming out it's call sign see the following link:


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