19 October 2020

How Murdoch tracks you online

As we know, in today’s world governments and corporations (in the colony we call Australia the government is a corporation aggregate) have an internet presence, where you are enticed to conduct your business with them online rather than in person.

In the good ol’ days that would mean you would go home and on your computer you’d type (for example) centrelink.gov.au where you’d go on from there.

Technically you cannot do that today as there is no more ‘Centrelink’ but rather Services Australia, but that’s another topic for another time.

Corporations, like news outlets do not want you to be reading their stories via a web browser on your computer or even smart phone, but rather via their app, where they have greater access to your data despite what you may think where you have allowed/disallowed via a software (as opposed to hardware) switch.

Let’s put the ‘nothing to hide nothing to fear’ motto they so desperately put on the serfs, where if they claim the app does not contain any ‘nasties’ then release the source code.

As an example, every single app that you get from f-droid.org, an alternative Android store, is open source, where it can be peer reviewed to see if it contains any code that is detrimental to your privacy.

As a test example. browsing Murdoch’s Australian news website, and picking out 4 random articles netted us with 907 ads/trackers being stopped from spying on you.

While you can stop these trackers within a browser on your computer/smart phone, the same cannot be afforded with regards to their app.

Whatever apps you have that companies instruct you to download, where the services can still be accessed via a browser on your computer, it would be beneficial for your privacy to delete them.

The so called 'rewards'  they give you via the app is a minuscule amount from the cash amount they've made from your data you've given away.

MANY 'humans' just love their Macca's app for the rewards they get for consuming food like products.

Keep it up humans, it just makes them richer and richer with a quicker journey to your grave, but not before you taught the next generation your so called 'skill set' in how you've obtained 'free' stuff.

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