18 May 2024

Corrupt police Demand respect: Joke of the Decade!

So, the colony's first police force, that being of New South Wales was purely made up of criminals, albeit a little better behaved ones, let's throw in an 'allegedly'.

Ever since it's inception the criminality of actions of the police expanded across the entire colony.

With regards to Victoria Police, they have shown their true colours during COVID-19, that being acting ILLEGALLY against the population, as stated in the Country Court of Victoria.

See article: 

Victoria Police – Thug Life - Unlawful Violence

Victoria Police 'bashed' (assaulted) people violently without cause, and also acted under 'dictation', another less known illegal action.

They had a choice to be 'honourable' but instead chose not to be.

According to their 'Code of Ethic' it's hardly something that the community would expect isn't it?

What's also important is at the 'business' and of the deal, that being in a place of business called a court.

Victoria Police more often than not, lie in court, either verbally or in written format or both, and in reality it's their most 'believable' lies and not the truth that wins them cases.

A LOT of people are harmed by their lies in court, BUT it's costly and very overwhelming for most to go up against 'the force' or more precisely the brotherhood. 

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