17 May 2024

MediSecure data breach - Another cover-up and 'failure of government'?

See front page of MediSecure's website:

The above screen capture reads the following:


Cyber security incident/data breach

MediSecure has identified a cyber security incident impacting the personal and health information of individuals. We have taken immediate steps to mitigate any potential impact on our systems.

While we continue to gather more information, early indicators suggest the incident originated from one of our third-party vendors.

MediSecure takes its legal and ethical obligations seriously and appreciate this information will be of concern. MediSecure is actively assisting the the National Cyber Security Coordinator to manage the impacts of the incident. MediSecure has also notified the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and other key regulators.

MediSecure understands the importance of transparency and will provide further updates via our website as soon as more information becomes available. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

It does not seem that at the time of this post the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has informed the public, as seen by this screen capture:


Australia's Cyber Security Coordinator says the large-scale ransomware data breach of e-script provider MediSecure was an "isolated" attack, though she warns cyber criminals are likely to target the health industry again.

- Another health industry corporation Medibank, was breached in 2022, hardly an "isolated" action.

- Monash Health, May 2024, was also breached, an "isolated" action too?

- Ambulance Victoria, April 2024, yet again "isolated" right?

- Diabetes WA, another health organisation breached in April 2024.

- RACOGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) in March 2024, no doubt "isolated" too.

The above are only some of the data breaches that have been reported in 2024 regarding the health industry.

THEREFORE, we call this out as a BS statement by the Australian Cyber Security Coordinator, in order not to scare the public that no 'online' personal information is safe from hackers.

In simple terms: more government lies, about the severity of the situation.

Does this 'Lieutenant General',  Michelle McGuiness not recall other health industry breaches, or even know about them irrespective of that fact that there were other health industry breaches before her tenure, if so then she is not fit for the role, another useless bureaucrat?

Is she truly qualified for the job, or is this another 'money for mates' position, like most of them are within the governments of this colony called Australia. 

'Lieutenant General', aye? Seems that we're in the defence force or at least occupied/governed by one.

Since Australia is full steam ahead to cashless and all records are going digital, e.g. land titles, etc for easier administration of the serfs/plebs, there WILL be more data breaches, period.

The government is in full 'propaganda' mode to lull the plebs into a false sense of security, with this latest breach.

Australia also 'outsources' a LOT of domestic information into the hands of unskilled labour in order to keep the costs down.

People offshore that have access to 'our' private and confidential information can then pass it on to known criminals, where Aussies will be clueless.

The reality is that it's through the people in governments' mismanagement that we will see more and more data breaches, where they will even lie about how much data was compromised.

MediSecure, the company which facilitates electronic prescriptions and their dispensing, did not reveal how many Australians were affected.

HUGE fines should be imposed on the companies where data breaches occur, where as a follow up, the I.T. staff or the outsourced 'monkeys behind the keyboards' should be made redundant, effective immediately.

BUT, the people in government don't care as it's not 'their' private and confidential data that is leaked.

Maybe if Daniel Andrews' or Bill Shorten's home addresses where 'leaked' then they WOULD do something more to keep data safe?

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