22 June 2024

Australia the self governing colony

The 'colonialists' are in charge.

Australia is many things, but that is rather a large topic, which has many rabbit holes.

Also, MANY people are of the assumption that Australians live in a democracy, which they do not, but rather they're under control of a fascist state, that would make Mussolini proud, again another topic for another time.

MANY people are also taught a falsehood in many law schools, that the laws from England came to Australia in 1788, but in reality Martial Law was installed for the period of 40 years until the Australian Courts Act 1928 (UK) came into effect. 

The British Empire has given up many of its 'assets'  or rather cash cows, but has held onto this resource abundant land.

The (human) 'resources' aren't as cheap as within the East India Company, but none the less the cost of labour is getting cheaper as a result of a policy to mass import migrants slaves from the land of the East India Company, most of which are low quality humans.

MANY people are of the false assumption that once Australia has been federated, it obtained independence .

The colony's first legal document is the 'Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act' created on the 9th of July 1900, where it came into circulation after royal assent on the first day of January 1901.

So where does it state that Australia is a "self-governing colony"

If one has a very short attention span, one does not have to read too many pages to find this 'secret'.

It's in Section 8, at the end of the second page of the original document, where it is stated that:

"... the Commonwealth shall be taken to be a self-governing colony for the purposes of the Act"

See original document:

See also the book 'Australia The Concealed Colony' within the link:

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