20 June 2024

Corrupt police fining drivers illegally

To say that Victoria Police is corrupt and dishonest is an understatement.

They lie under oath in court without consequences.

They falsify statements with impunity.

This is little piggy is corrupt, issuing speeding fines illegally.

According to the law, the measuring of velocity (ie distance/time) of a vehicle must be measured on a horizontal plane, something that cannot be done when measuring up or down a slope/hill/incline.

This is something that Victoria Police have been doing for decades now, ‘illegally’.

Realistically there should be a class action lawsuit, but there will not be one, that's a guarantee.

Will this illegal action be stopped?

MOST definitely not!

Victoria Police will still keep on deceiving drivers that they were ‘speeding’.

One of the ways to 'deal' with this is to expose the corruption.

That’s life in a colony.

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