04 June 2024

Corrupt cop Simon John Blackney 51, protected by government funded by taxpayers

One of the 'perks' of living in a colony, especially if you're corrupt and part of one of the three arms of government that being the Parliament, Executive or Judiciary you get the protection from the 'brotherhood' at the expense of the taxpayers, brilliant!

There should be a law where police accused of criminal conduct must pay for their own defence, but there isn't.

Maybe then this would help to stamp out rife corruption within Australia's police forces.

The system is not broken, it's functioning perfectly the way they designed it.

Also, the current 'trend' by media and government is to focus on domestic violence, specifically male centered, within the general population pool.

The real problem is far worse that is being hidden from the general population, that being 'domestic' violence by male police personnel on their female spouses.

The rate 'per capital' is much higher within the colony's police forces than what is portrayed within the general population.

In any event, when a serf does a similar crime as Simon John Blackney, that person's face is plastered all over the media, where you will notice that there is deliberately no photo published in any article on Blackney by the mainstream media.

See print article:

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