05 June 2024

End Violence Against Women Now - Corrupt Cops Push Falsified Government Agenda!

The colony's governments, that being federal and state have many false agendas in play against the good people of Australia.

'Investigative' journalists are no longer within the mainstream media, but rather agenda promoters or Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keyboard monkeys.

There is a nefarious agenda in action at the moment, that being against men, i.e. an alarmingly high number of women are being murdered in the hands of men, from the general population pool.

Somewhere in some statistics pool, last year's figure was 60, where they use 'shock tactics' that half way through this year the figure is at an alarming 30, but in reality mathematically/statistically so far, it's the same. 

Another figure that is 'falsified' or the same shock tactics used is the road toll, but that topic is outside the scope of this article.

There is an eerie silence on how male police officers commit domestic violence against their spouses, a topic not in the benefit for government to expose.

In any event the following video shows how corrupt police 'support' this false agenda.

Every cop that you see talking in this false advertising campaign is a sellout.

There is no "community crisis" but rather another government sponsored LIE.



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