18 June 2024

THE 'Privacy Policy' that exposes Google's corrupt business dealings

Google, contrary to their earlier motto is 'evil', but is that against the law?

Google is a corrupt global behemoth, period.

Google is the epitome of corporate scum. 

Google, is the world's largest copyright breacher, yet governments do nothing about this, whereas a 'person' who would act in a similar fashion would have the heavy hand of corporations and government to deal with, with real prison time as a punishment.

Governments give Google a 'free ride' as Google aids the Five Eyes global surveillance network, plain and simply to the detriment of 'normal' citizens.

Is hoovering data from Joe Average truly for national security or the (alleged) global fight against terrorism?

How is this action even justified?

Google is vexatious towards its 'products', i.e. persons that use it platform which Google in turn profits from.

A developer was targeted by Google who makes a screensaver, a piece of software that "draws pretty pictures on your screen".

Google would not publish the app or program into the Google Play Store, until a 'privacy policy' statement was produced by the programmer.

This 'privacy policy' that Google mandated, exposes some of Google's corrupt trade practices, that government and the legal profession are aware of and have taken ZERO action against its (alleged) criminality.

So here it is, Google's corrupt business dealings hyperlinked within the privacy policy:

And the 'best' part about this, is that Google accepted this privacy policy.

The developer Jamie Werner Zawinski, commonly known as jwz, is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur. 

He was one of the founders of Netscape and Mozilla.org, meaning he's not a 'nobody'.

He is an advocate for open-source software, often voicing his criticism of various tech industry practices.

He also states that Google is “the most rapacious privacy violator on the planet,” where the rest of the over 70 indictments range from user tracking and data mining to partnering “with an authoritarian petrostate,” promoting misinformation, telling users to put glue on pizza, or baking “a user-tracking advertising platform directly into a web browser.”, indicating that Google also 'promotes' false information, something the serfs get reprimanded for.

How 'inconvenient' the truth is.

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