09 September 2024

Google falsifying smartphone reviews

Google had a motto “Don’t be evil”, where it’s not a ‘normal’ company value.

This value is no longer current, why?

Is it because that goal has already been breached?

Google is one of the world’s largest advertising corporations and supplier of data to the FiveEyes global surveillance network, and as a result its (alleged) illegal actions, such as breach of copyright or monopolistic behaviour have long been overlooked by governments worldwide.

Depending on one’s interests ‘influencers’ such as the Kardashians, Khabane Lame, Mr Beast, PewDiePie etc, in fact all of them even collectively, pale in comparison to how Google can ‘influence’ people.

Google ‘falsifies’ search results, in one example based on a person’s login, where the internet history is used to profile the user’s religious, political and sexual beliefs, compared to another person’s different internet useage history rather than the metrics on hand of the topic concerned.

Google even removes topics from its search pool, see post from 14 years ago:

Youtube censoring Wikileaks

AS mentioned before Google is the world’s largest copyright breacher, where nothing has been done about it for decades, where now it allows the theft of creator’s content on its YouTube platform to be used for A.I. as an example.

So what’s the point of copyright law, if it’s not being enforced?

Is it only enforced if a kid downloaded a song for 'free'?

To make matters even worse, people coming to YouTube to obtain an honest review of a phone from a ‘content creator’ cannot even trust that source, as that source is ‘influenced’ by Google.

Google gets its creators on YouTube to falsify product reviews under a program called ‘Brand Love’ where the creator MUST agree to the following:

By opting into this program, do you acknowledge that you are expected to feature the Google Pixel device in place of any competitor mobile devices? Please note that if it appears other brands are being preferred over the Pixel, we will need to cease the relationship between the brand and the creator”

  • Therefore, can you a potential customer of a product, trust ANY reviewer’s so called ‘review’?

  • Will that reviewer give you FULL DISCLOSURE of any terms and conditions they are bound by?

  • Will the reviewer be bound to a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) that covers up illegal or deceptive conduct?

  • Which other corporations conduct business in such manner?

Google should be charged at the very least with false, deceptive and misleading conduct in relation to this matter.

Will the legal system business take this course of action?

The answer would be, probably not!

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