22 May 2024

New Sheriff of Victoria, Julie Brown – SHOW US YOUR (LAWFUL) APPOINTMENT!

The authorities of this colony have a long history of using force, intimidation, violence and threats of incarceration against the good people of whatever state you live in.

Victoria Police do it and were called out for it, in a recent County Court of Victoria case.

The so called ‘Sheriff’ and other ‘employees of the Sheriff’s Office, which are supposed to be deputies are also involved in unlawful actives BUT the corrupt courts keep them going.

VERY briefly,

There are a few laws in play.

The authorities will have you believe that the Victoria’s Constitution, the one from 1975 is the one in use as it is ‘in force’.

BUT is the in use ‘lawfully’?

Victoria’s original Constitution is an Imperial Act from 1855.

Was it repealed ‘lawfully’? The short answer is no, where the government is hiding this fraud on the people of Victoria.

Let’s move on to the so called Sheriff of Victoria.

The Sheriff of Victoria is an officer of the Supreme Court of Victoria, and as such is subject to the procedures and policies of that Court.

Most importantly the appointment of the sheriff must be gazetted.

The sheriff is mentioned in the Supreme Court Act 1958 Section 194

The sheriff’s actions are also subject to the Sheriff Act 2009, where in this case Section 51 - Offence to impersonate sheriff, deputy sheriff, sheriff’s office or justice employee is in the spotlight.

The so called ‘Sheriff of Victoria’ is multi million dollar annual extortion  perpetuated by all connected within, including the judiciary in ‘our’ (the people's) courts.

Let's see what the Supreme Court of Victoria says about extortion with regards to people oops, 'persons' in office, as stated in Section 183 of the Supreme Court Act 1958:

- Can YOU (the accused) make an appointment to see this sheriff, Julie Brown?

- Can YOU find where this position of sheriff is within Oragnisation Chart of the Department of Justice? 

- Can YOU (the accused) challenge the action of this sheriff in a so called court of law, and obtain her lawful appointment, as part of the burden of proof on the accuser?

- Can YOU get a subpoena from the business called a court for the sheriff to produce the lawful appointment?

The truth is the answer to the above questions is, No.

Will your barrister be the one that exposes a generations long fraud?

Will that person ever be able to work again, if he/she does?

The truth is there is no lawfully appointed 'sheriff' of Victoria, therefore no lawfully appointed ‘deputies’, where they say they work “at” the office, and therefore no lawfully issued warrants.

See article:

Tasmanian magistrates not sworn in correctly for 30 years

See hidden video within Fines Victoria, 

(277 William St Melbourne 3000):

Sheriff's warrants do not exist - verified on video

The tentacles of the corrupt Anglo-Masonic legal system reach far and wide.

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