Currently anyone who has a GSM phone, irrespective of whether it's a smartphone or not it is tracked by the authorities, the only difference being that with a smartphone the user can also see the coordinates.
Cash is being slowly phased out in Australia, under whatever pretext, ah that's right for welfare recipients, because it's for their own good.
So now comes the time when the federal government is going to mandate GPS technology in all vehicles on our already paid for roads, and over taxed fuel, so that apparently road users get a better deal.
As if the government is going to let you pay less for something as time goes on.
Naturally all this technology is easily hackable, where the authorities will vehemently deny this.
Naturally this policy is allegedly for your own good, just like going cashless.
It's all about monitoring and then controlling the movements of the government's slave population.
We've already spoken to people involved in the legal industry, where the comments are that the alleged laws (read Acts) that are to be put in place are factually unlawful.
See article from today's newspaper: