09 July 2021

The colony called New Zealand to hunt down 'hesitant' people

As stated by Chris Hipkins in an interview:

"I can't say that we're not gonna to have some hesitant people or some people that just haven't come forward that we don't have to go out and find next year."

So is this a totalitarian state policy to force people into something that they allegedly had a choice in, before?

How are you going to do this?

Hunt them down, handcuff them and forcefully take action? 

The rise of the 'Nartsi' state, under whatever pretext the dictators in government conjure up. 

07 July 2021

Scam website: "commonlaw.earth" Do NOT PROVIDE personal information!

There are plenty of scams on the internet going around nowadays, like debt forgiveness sites, and now 'common law' sites.

The people who put together this information have very little comprehension of the topic they are spruiking.

Apparently this week's fad in the legal realm is to obtain a live birth record, to apparently obtain some sort of standing in 'common law'?

Well, apparently this site is the one to go to.

We do not recommend persons to put in their 'private & confidential' information into a 'random' website, where you do not have any clue where your data is going where maybe at some later point in time the data could be used to obtain fraudulently generated documents.

If you genuinely must obtain your live birth record, the appropriate registry in the Australian state or territory can supply you with one for a small administrative fee.

This so called 'certificate' that you can print out, can be put up on the wall of your Water Closet in case of emergency:

06 July 2021

Can the 'Commonwealth' government force people into 'injections'?

Can the 'Australian Government' or rather the 'Commonwealth of Australia' force its people to submit to an injection for whatever the purposes outlined in the Commonwealth Law Report below?

Source: G&B Lawyers.

05 July 2021

NEVER trust police: Denial of access to documents

Australia's state police forces are subservient to the federal government's authoritarian style ruling with a total lack of transparency.

Each state of this colony is ramping up its police numbers in order to beat the masses into a locked up, martial law state, under the current alleged health excuse.

Forget 'innocent' until proven guilty.

According to the law, in Australia you are guilty until proven otherwise, under strict liability and absolute liability, where your alleged traffic offence is under the criminal banner and not a civil listing.

So, the lawmakers already see you (the serf) as a criminal from the get go.

With this type of governance over the people, the police are not allowing you to obtain information (under FOI or subpoena) that would prove your not guilty status with regards to your alleged criminal action on the colony's highways and byways.

The best part about it for them, is that they'll lie to you in order for you to not obtain the information you require to prove your innocence.

They will lie to you that the information you seek is not relevant to your case, where in reality it is.

They will lie to you that the information you sought under the subpoena is copyrighted, but a subpoena is exempt from copyright.

What is most important but not comprehended by many is that information that you require is technically 'yours'.

You are a stakeholder, a part owner, you have a financial interest in that information.

You (or rather the taxes coming from your wages/salary/ goods and services you participated in) funded that actions of people that created that document, where you have a right, and not 'privilege' to it.

The people in government deceive you in all sorts of ways, and most importantly they're good at it. 

04 July 2021

The declining quality of 'journalism' in Australia.

The so called quality of journalism over the past few decades has been on the decline where it's difficult to say where rock bottom is.

Ever since the US broadcaster CBS has figured out that money can be made from 'news' with the invention of 60 minutes, the oligarchial controllers of information dissemination have been on a government sponsored propaganda spree.

Now fast forward to the corporatisation of the World Wide Web, or the internet as we know it today and so called news agencies are nothing more than corporate whores selling a government sponsored agenda for whoever is in office.

From 'tech' flogs that are paid to promote privacy breaching smartphones / services, to so called alleged journalists like James Metthey in the meme above.

Australia's official 'state' sponsored mouthpiece is the ABC.

The unofficial state sponsored news agency is of course Rupert Murdoch's news.com.au.

That's the way life goes in the colony we call Australia.