24 February 2022

Facebook wants your other login details

The internet is a corporate battle ground for your data.

'Retail' corporations or rather the corporations that the average person sees like Amazon, Apple, Meta (nee Facebook), Google, Microsoft are all using all sorts of tricks to get YOUR data.

Say you want to do some online shopping where you see a company's products.

Corporations entice/force you to 'login' for all sorts of reasons where the primary objective is not for your online safety, but rather for data collection purposes, that being your personal details, your identity.

The use of 2FA (two factor authentication) for your 'safety' is a farce, where that is another mechanism to obtain more data about your person, but that is another separate topic outside the scope of this post.

So you're about to log into this website none the wiser.

Did this company inform you that if you login your login details will be sent to Meta/Facebook?

Maybe you do not want Mark Zuckerberg to know where you're shopping.

Maybe you do not want him to know of your 'other' email address that you use only for online shopping.

Online privacy has still a long way to go, where the authorities are deliberately dragging their feet on this matter.

In Mozilla's Firefox product, you can add a program called an 'Extension' by the name of 'Facebook Container' which isolates your data from Facebook.

If a corporation is sending your data to Facebook, then the extension's icon is next to the field that sends data to Facebook.

Another way of keeping Meta/Facebook away from your data is to use the site on a personal computer (as opposed to a smartphone + app) , where another browser is used exclusively for the 'social media' site.

A good practice to isolate the data that is being captured by corporations is to have more than one internet browser installed on your personal computer.

23 February 2022

Consumer Warning: Imported labour, unskilled and dangerous

The authorities are not doing their due diligence in checking the credentials of people coming into Australia, in turn putting Australian lives in danger.

Just let 'em in so they can participate in the 'economy', because that's all that is important.

And at this point in time you can only participate in the economy, if you've succumbed to a specific medical service.

The buffoons in government believe that the (only?) answer to economic growth is to import people en masse into this colony.

Migrants are coming into Australia with the intention to commit criminal activity, where not only the Australian Government is taking no action, but keeping it quite too.

In their home country they are falsifying their job skill set and qualifications in order to obtain employment in their newly stated field in Australia.

How do you know your doctor, or 'sparky' is legitimate?

"Trust the government" some say.

Well how's that working for you during the current so called global health situation, given the fact that the government actions now are being exposed as not only unlawful but most importantly INEFFECTIVE.

Even the mainstream media are saying this, but alas this is a digression.

For many years, prior to 2020, approximately 2,500 migrants per week were shoved into Melbourne.

This brought on many problems including the overloading of infrastructure on the roads, public transport, utilities and an important industry that being housing,

As a result of the unnatural population growth, housing became a priority, and this so called priority now can be a danger to renters/homeowners.

In order for people to quickly participate in the economy, in this case in particular focus to the housing industry, a lot of checks and balances have been deliberately overlooked.

Dodgy building companies have been formed and as a result many domestic dwellings have been built under this foundation.

Just because we have 'Australian Standards', which are quite poor, does not mean they are adhered to.

MANY city councils have overlooked the quality of the buildings in order to give them a pass so that the 'developer' (read dodgy builder) can get to the next job quickly in turn earning more cash for the city council.

Some 'engineers' also take bribes to pass a dwelling.

While the building may be under the 7 year guarantee many dodgy builders do not wish to honour this, being also quite violent in resisting repair requests.

With the influx of unskilled workers claiming to be able to work in a field that they cannot, electrical work is of particular concern where if it's done incorrectly then the residents are at risk of losing their lives as a result of a fire.

This may even effect their ability to claim insurance compensation.

The dwellings to stay away from are the ones that are purposely built as 'investment properties' that being built to rent units, flats etc.

Why is the focus of the economists/financiers on imports?

Because as a result this creates a (temporary) boom, for the housing industry which works hand in hand with the banks and financial services institutions.

The banks create 'money out of thin air' where the focus is to create debt slaves out of society.

Australia is run by banking and financial services institutions, where those in government act as agents for them.

Victoria's courts are literally run by them as well, as they are stakeholders in a corporation called Court Services Victoria.

A strong immigration policy is to bring in humans under whatever banner, that are of low value (moral and financial) to the community at large, in order for those in power to control them and most importantly entrap them into being debt slaves in order to drive wages down in Australia, which is to the benefit of the local and multinational corporations.

Australians you're standing in it.

22 February 2022

EXPOSED: 'New Australians' conned by the AEC

Sometimes it's great being a newbie and other times it's not.

In some industries a new recruit or apprentice may have been given the harmless instructions to go to the local hardware store to purchase a long wait (or rather weight).

In the "good ol' days" some pranks have even ended up in harm or injury.

Keeping in mind that the government is not immune from conning the people too.

In fact the people in government con the masses every single day, but that's another topic altogether.

What the general population do not know is how migrants are greeted by those in government.

We obtained information with regards to a fresh, brand new off the boat (plane really) load of Aussies.

A totally different experience than from a couple of generations ago.

Today, when they get their welcome pack, they are 'told' that they cannot leave, or rather that they 'must' fill out an enrollment form, from the AEC (Australian Electoral Commission).

In Australia you have the right to vote, where many are misguided that it is compulsory to vote.

The fraudulent action by those in government is that the 'New Australians' where not told that they have a choice to vote and would they consent to participating in this action.

Quite simply put this is electoral fraud committed by the AEC.

As you know nothing really happens until it's taken to court.

So, the $64,000 question is:

Do you know any hot off the press 'New Australians' that are prepared to take the AEC to court?

Just a reminder that before 1973, when imported 'ethnics' became an Aussies they became:

"a subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and a citizen of the Commonwealth of Australia..."

Does this still hold true today?

If not why?

21 February 2022

How to effectively make government listen to you

The people in government really do not care about you (the serf) or even their 'constituents'.

The only 'care factor' is that their positions in office are secure with a retirement lifestyle that even the working class cannot afford.

The people in government are are allegedly in the 'public service' i.e. to serve the public, and most importantly listen to their 'constituents', but they don't.

The people in government are there to be subservient to their brethren or the 'faceless men', to serve corporate interests, where the so called 'government' of today is a corporation aggregate.

They state that:

“laws are publicly made and the community is able to participate in the law-making process”

BUT, in reality how is that working for you?

Andrews' Draconian law still went through, did it not?

With regards to the recent gatherings/walks/marches/'protests' what was achieved?

What 'remedy' was enacted as a result?


Was a law rolled back?

Were the nationwide oppressive 'rules' dropped?

They are literally laughing at you in their ivory castles, behind their unscalable fences.

So with regards to the global situation that developed over the past couple of years, many people may be of the erroneous belief that the primary objective was the general population's so called 'health'.

Among other priorities, a very real focus of those in control was/is something called the economy, the economy that they so rely upon which survives from the blood sweat and tears of the corporate slaves, that being the general population.

The only thing that they're worried about with regards to your health is how much it's taking out of their 'economy', how much down time it's costing them.

Billions of dollars have been raped from the public purse of so many countries in order to enrich the people in control of the masses.

So, how do people make the government listen to them?

Well we had a template made for us in Melbourne, Australia.

But it wasn't done by 'Australians'.

Sure they may be 'naturalised', made citizens or even maybe 'subjects of Her Majesty', but in reality they were people from India, you know the people who have first hand experience in oppression from the British empire.

They had enough guts to stand up and say enough is enough.

They stopped commerce.

And the people in government listened.

P.S. The Melbourne protesters in 2021 where so close as the government called in the terrorist police, where the legality of this action is very questionable.

So close they were, that's how desperate the government got.