20 February 2025

Victoria Police leaked email from Wayne Cheesman as Patton resigns

Victoria Police are part of the judicial arm of the corrupt Anglo-Masnonic setup governent that realistically acts against the 'best interests' of the general population.

This was most evident from 2020 onwards, where the corrupt Andrews government was allowed to install Martial Law like scenario on the good people of Victoria.

Add to this Victoria Police acted under dictation (from Andrews) which is illegal and no mainstream media outlet is talking about this.

Victoria Police Commissioner Shane Patton, oversaw his 'troops on the ground' assault peaceful protesters.

Patton oversaw his troops arrest the vulnerable as they were easy targets.

Pregnant women and little old ladies were easy pickings for the coward troops.

What about a 1 on 1 with MMA fighter Nick Patterson?

Cowards don't do that, they go at least 5 on one WITH weapons!

It seems that a Victorian judge had to act in the 'correct' manner publicly slamming Victoria Police for unlawful violence.

One of  the worst parts about all this is that Patton 'decided' to leave and wasn't removed as falesly stated by the Herald Sun in today's printed article:

Patton should have been removed immediately, but that's not how the colonialists work.

Where the first job of a government is to look after the safety its people, as stated by then Speaker of the House, Bronwyn Bishop in an ABC episode of Q&A on the Magna Carta aired in 2015.

What a clown show! 

See the two page leaked email:


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