04 August 2024

Covid fines unlawful, the documents they can’t give you!

 Off the public record.

  • You live in an abusive relationship with your government.

  • In this colony called Australia, people live under a totalitarian, fascist, corporatised, police state.

  • Forget being people of the ‘Commonwealth’ or democracy, those days are left to a museum (i.e MOAD), but that’s another story.

The government (all three tiers, Parliament, Executive and Judiciary) is corrupt to the core.

The businesses known as the courts, are corrupt where they are ‘owned’ by banking and financial services institutions such as Goldman Sachs, The Vangaurd Group and BlackRock, being subservient to their ‘stakeholders’.

See court document within the article:

Courts acting under dictation owned by financial services institutions

The courts are allegedly places of public record, but they have ways and means of hiding cases from the public, as part of the agenda of the secretive police state, naturally to the detriment of society.

In your documentation, if you expose the corruption of the police, government or courts, your matter will not make it to the ‘public record’ where it will be withdrawn or dismissed.

This may be seen as a ‘victory’ but it’s actually a loss, a loss for the people, as they are unaware of the details, and a cover-up of criminality by those in power.

In many states of Australia, ‘Covid’ fines have been withdrawn.

They have been withdrawn not when people started to challenge them, but more importantly when people started getting their paperwork right and asking the RIGHT questions.

A proper challenge to any alleged offence should be, first and foremost, on a basis of a ‘question of law’.

Government overflowing with people that gas-light their constituents.

In the police state of Victoria, under the leadership of ‘Chairman Dan’ (Andrews), premier of Victoria from 2014 – 2023, Covid fines were issued unlawfully, under whatever pretexts.

The problem there was that there was no lawfully enacted ‘infrastructure’ in place that would give rise for those fines to exist.

The government knew this, the police knew this and the courts knew this but they wanted to see if the serfs knew, so they gas-lighted the people.

Once again, when people started to obtain the correct knowledge, the fines were getting withdrawn.

The courts are corrupt.

The corruption begins at the registrar level.

They are the 'gatekeepers', the people who will not allow you to have the documents required for you to be successful in defending your matter.

So, apparently ‘advertisements’ were flung around everywhere that the good people of Victoria are under a ‘State of Emergency'.

SO, can the government prove this was a lawfully (as opposed to legally) issued declaration?

What medical advice was given that gave rise for this State of Emergency?

Allegedly there was a State of Disaster issued on 2/08/2020 @ 6pm.

Was this lawfully issued? Can ‘we’ have a copy of this?

MANY people obtained a ‘Covid’ fine, where the charge was as follows:

“Refuse or fail to comply with a direction or requirement made of a person in the exercise of a power under an authorisation given under Section 199 (INDIVIDUAL) Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.”.

In the above you may have noticed that “direction or requirement made of a person” has been underlined.

Keeping in mind that the burden of proof is on the accuser, where every aspect of the accusation or charge must be proven, beyond any reasonable doubt.

Therefore, Victoria Police accuses that you have refused or failed to comply with a direction/requirement that was made of you.

NOW, first and foremost can Victoria Police PROVE that this alleged direction/requirement was given to your ‘person’?

If so, then you require proof that it was served on your person, where an ‘advertisement’ on a freeway digital sign is not legally binding.

A lawful declaration that one must work from home?

What Act have you been charged under?

Since the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, is the alleged source, then a ‘deep dive’ can be initiated if this Act is in circulation lawfully, under something called a ‘reservation of points of law’ or a Section 72B (of the Judiciary Act 1903).

In reality there was no lawfully enacted ‘State of Emergency’ in Victoria, and the government does NOT want the serfs to know about this.

Sure there may be a piece of paper, that states it’s a ‘State of Emergency’ but was it issued lawfully?

Since Victoria Police were fining people under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Section 167 - Power to request information, the following is stated:

(1)     An authorised officer may request a person to provide information to the authorised officer which the authorised officer believes is necessary to investigate whether there is a risk to public health or to manage or control a risk to public health. 

(3)     A person may refuse to provide the information requested under subsection (1). 

Meaning, when they stop you, there is no need to answer ANY questions.

See documents within the article: Is the 25km rule in Victoria a valid statutory provision?

The reality is that if you ask for the documents, as shown above within the Subpoena, Form 13, the ‘gatekeepers’ will not allow you to have them, where your request WILL be denied.

See also:

That’s life in a corrupt colony.

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