14 February 2025

Victoria Police paedophilia, family violence and rape culture hidden from the public

Some should have heard the line "We've investiged ourselves and found we did nothing wrong"

Well that applies to all the colony’s police forces, but only one is in the spotlight at the moment.

The people in the Victorian government, together with their private militia that being Victoria Police have been on a propaganda drive called Towards Zero, where the (unachievable) target of zero road toll deaths is being advertised, where in the propaganda piece, the fundamental question is asked:

"So now what do you think would be a more acceptable number?"

So let's apply the same reasoning to Victoria Police.

  • What this the number of paedophiles 'we' (as a society) should accept in Victoria Police?

  • What is the number of rapists we should accept in Victoria Police?
  • What is the number of 'wife bashers' we should accept in Victoria Police?

Victoria Police have allegedly invesigated 683 employees only in the past five years, 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2024, which realistically is not good enough, irrespective of how they are divided, where this only applies to reported matters, where realistically 1 in 10 are only reported.

A reality is that Victoria Police lie every single day, where they lie or rather provide false information and tamper with evidence in the courts, they provide false information in traffic stops and a whole range of other scenarios.

Corruption in Victoria Police, the government of Victoria and the legal businesses called the courts is rife.

A classic example of this is the violent (unlawful) assault of  Corinna Horath then 21 years old in 1996, where thugs in Victoria Police beat her to an inch of her life.

No wonder Victoria Police has 'issues' with wife bashers, as this stems back decades if not generations and not just from 2019-2024.

The corrupt courts then aquit Victoria Police, where realistically no real remedy was offered domestically, and the matter was taken to The United Nations in 2014 where the Victorian government and its private milita breached the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) after failing to compensate a woman viciously bashed by police.

So, the government's corrupt wheels of justice did not offer the victim a remedy, where it took The United Nations and 20 years for Ms. Horvath to obtain this remedy, where in reality one can die in the process before a remedy is obtained, where those in govenrment hope for this, hence the deliberately slow 'wheels of justice' turn.

Victoia Police gets sued a lot, where this fact is deliberately kept out of the view of the public eye with NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) victims of police/govenrment MUST sign in order to receive financial compensation.

The problem with Victoria Police getting sued is that taxpayers foot the bill and not the actual officers commiting the crimes, protectionism at its finest.

After all, the first job of a government is to look after its people, and not the serfs, plebs, general population.

From a few years ago, the figure was $12 million per annum, where now it's more.

Also keep in mind, that Victoria Police are a thug force, where this was confirmed during the so called pandemic, where Victoria Police 'officers' or rather thugs had no legally issues powers to violently assault people in the streets, but they did anyway.

In reality to the latest publicly accessible information, the Victorian govenrmernt and police are concealing the real numbers from the public.

This is the beginning of a monumental cover-up.

Victorians live under a secretive police regime period where the general population are fine with this as their silence is acquiescence.

The system is not broken it is set up this way deliberately.

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