14 June 2024

A National Disgrace! EXPOSED – The false agenda of male oriented domestic violence

Another false agenda is in play by the governments and ‘supported’ by the mainstream media.

The allegation that a ‘shocking’ amount of women die in the hands of their current (male) partner or (male) ex-partner.

See the following video for explanation:

13 June 2024

Google is evil, lies on its search algorithm - massive leak REVEALED!

Governments and corporations lie to us, the people / consumers / their products, every single day, period.

Even if caught, their 'brethren' in government will sort it all out for these deceitful people in corporations.

Google is not what it used to be since its inception, where today it's one of the world's largest advertising corporations.

It's also the world's largest copyright breachers, but zero action/fines etc are handed out but rather easy targets are singled out, the being person from the general population pool, but that topic is outside the scope of this article.  

Governments also benefit hugely from Google as it is within the top tier spy network, that being the Five Eyes.

Google literally cannot be touched by the law.

Google had a massive data leak, on the technical ins and outs of its search algorithm.

Around 2,500 technical documents detailing the nuts and bolts of Google's ranking algorithms have apparently leaked. If the documents are real, it's an unprecedented look into the workings of the utterly dominant internet search engine. And one hell of an error, because it is stated that Google itself published the documents to GitHub before taking them down. But nothing published to the web disappears overnight, and the documents have been kept for posterity elsewhere.

This leak provides an interesting opportunity to compare the reality of how Google ranks its search results with the various claims the company has made about what has hitherto been largely a mysterious black box. The inner workings of Google Search have long been speculated upon but never really known outside of the company itself—or indeed inside the company by most Google employees.

The documents were shared with long-time SEO specialist Rand Fishkin by Erfan Azimi, an SEO advisor at EA Eagle Digital. Azimi says he shared the documents in the hope that they would reveal the "lies" propagated by Google in relation to its search platform.

That is obviously a very, very bold claim. Frankly, the documentation is incredibly dense and technical and covers a huge array of topics and systems. In really broad brush terms, it covers the type and character of data Google collects and uses, which sites Google elevates for sensitive topics like elections, how Google handles small websites, and much, much more. 

There are various areas where it's claimed that analysis of the documents throws up clear contradictions with Google's claims. For instance, in 2016 Google Search engineer Paul Haahr said that "using clicks directly in rankings would be a mistake."

But it's claimed the documents prove that Google uses a system known as NavBoost that directly incorporates various click count metrics into the page rankings and search results.

Other areas highlighted in contradiction to previous Google claims include the use of Domain Authority, sandboxing new websites while more data is collected, including user data collected from the Chrome web browser and more.

If these claims are all true, it's hard to be clear how much of this comes down to Google simply wanting to protect its search IP from potential competitors and how much can be chalked up to more cynical or even sinister motives.

Moreover, as far as we can tell the documents do not actually reveal exactly how Google currently ranks pages. In other words, it does not appear that this leak will make it straight forward to optimise a web page to improve Google search ranking, which is what a lot of observers would presumably have been praying for.

But if the documents are real, and the claims being made about the implications contained therein are broadly accurate, at minimum Google has a pretty major scandal on its hands in terms of the statements it has made in the past and its corporate credibility and ethics.

For now, that's a pretty big "if". This is a story that won't be resolved overnight. As far as we are aware, Google has yet to comment whether the documents are real let alone provide a riposte to the main critiques that have followed.

No doubt Google is formulating a detailed response as we write these very words. But we have a feeling that won't be the end of it and the full fall out from this alleged scandal will be measured in months if not years.

Google cannot be trusted, and your data in the possession on it servers is neither private nor confidential.

IF you value your privacy it is not recommended to use Google products.

See more within the following links:


or if video is your preferred source:

12 June 2024

Human Rights abuser Daniel Andrews ‘Companion of the Order of Australia’ award must be revoked!

You know the system is rigged when a Human Rights abuser, a man with over 800 deaths under his belt gets an ‘award’ or do you?

Maybe the ex Victorian premier Daniel Michael Andrews served his masters, the ‘faceless men’ well, you know one for team NWO, hence the award.

His order for Victoria Police to carry out shocking and horrific violence against the general population was unlawful, and Daniel Michael Andrews never saw court time for this.

The ex premier’s order to lock up the residence in North Melbourne public housing, with medical or food rations was Human Rights abuse, yet again he never saw any court time.

um, yes they do

The fact that Victoria Police acted under dictation is also unlawful, something the courts did not punish the police for.

Personally in a criminal act of a hit and run on a bicyclist, where his wife was 'allegedly' behind the wheel, Andrews again never saw any court time.

Andrews lied through his teeth regarding that accident, with zero repercussions.

A secret Patient Care Report developed by the paramedics who attended the crash scene was recently unearthed, revealing the teenage rider was struck by the Andrews’ Ford Territory.

“There needs to be a forensic analysis of the damage to the car and to see whether what’s said by both sides is consistent,” Mr Glare told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

The ‘brotherhood’ irrespective of being Anglo-Masonic, Fabian or other looks after itself.

Daniel Michael Andrews is a well supported thug and an ‘alleged’ criminal that cannot be touched by the law, basically meaning he is literally above the law.

That’s life in a colony.

09 June 2024

Australian health businesses advertising health information from global corporations?

It is quite clear that society is manipulated by corporations, which also have an influence in the law-making process, where that is a significantly in-depth topic beyond the scope of this article.

The health industry, from government health ‘care’ to private hospitals, dentists, doctors etc are literally businesses, i.e places that exist for the generation of profit.

You are nothing more than a 'customer' to them, where best business practice is that you become a repeat customer, dependent on the products. 

Across different health businesses in Victoria, advertisements or health advice is not printed from local health authorities, e.g. Victoria’s ‘Department of Health', nor an internal health business, like the Australian Medical Association, nor maybe even the federal health minister but rather a global corporation, in particular that being the World Health Organization (WHO).

If the people are going to be taking instructions from a global organisation, then surely there is zero need for any so called health ‘authority’ to exist in Australia, right?

So, taxpayer’s funds are being wasted on useless institutions, which harvest ‘money for mates’ jobs, where the funds could be better spent on infrastructure and utility projects instead or just welfare for low quality immigrants which is the global trend now.

Australia is a top-heavy oligarchical totalitarian state, but Australians are more than accepting of this, as if they weren’t then they would do something about it.

Stockholm syndrome at its finest.