10 March 2025

VicPol ‘just doin’ my job’ – NO YOU’RE NOT, re: lawful summonses

MANY police will claim ignorance or “that’s what it says here” with regards to some paperwork they possess, or even show you a spreadsheet claiming it’s a warrant, as many have done so to their unsuspecting victims.

The Victoria Police Act of 2013, is a law regarding how officers must act.

There is no if/but/I didn’t know, excuse.

Part 4 of the above mentioned Act, pertains to Police duties, powers, entitlements, protection and liability

Paying attention to:

Section 56 Execution of process and warrants

(1) A police officer has a duty to execute—

        (b) all lawful summonses, warrants, orders and directions directed to him or         her by a court or tribunal.

The key word here is “lawful”.

From the 2020’s onwards the state’s police forces have been acting unlawfully, causing bodily harm, trespass to the person, unlawful incarceration, installing horrific violence on ‘persons’ with total impunity.

NO officer has been charged with a criminal offence or had to pay out of his/her own pocket from criminal actions, and there is no 'remedy' for the victims of violence by default, where persuing a remedy is a deliberately time and energy consuming process not to mention its cost.

Australia's legal system/business is deliberately stacked against the victims of government's criminal actions.

A judge from the County Court of Victoria ruled that Victoria Police have acted in an unlawful way, against the good people of Melbourne that have gathered in order to have their say about a particular health matter in play.

Victoria Police also acted under dictation and had zero regards to their ‘unlawful’ actions, further cementing the fact that Victorians live in police state.

Now here comes another aspect that many in government want to keep a secret, and perpetuate the legal lie that tribunals, like VCAT, have some sort of judical powers when issuing orders that require the actions of Victoria Police.

To make this very clear, when VCAT issues an order that requires the actions of Victoria Police, VCAT has no judicial power to do so, meaning the actions of Victoria Police on a person are then unlawful.

See post:

VCAT acts beyond its power – unenforceable judicial decisions!

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