VICTORIA - human rights abusers.
The corporation aggregate known as the ‘State Government of Victoria’ together with Victoria Police should be in the courts and brought to the attention of the international courts for human rights abuse, just like in the case of Corinna Horvath, but this time there should be a class action lawsuit.
It is very doubtful that a class action within the colony’s corrupt legal system would actually result in a remedy, as history will attest to this.
The Victorian Government and its police force has acted in the style of 1930’s Germany, where even the police have the same colours now, as the ‘guard’ of the day did back then.
Abuser's mentality: - fear police.
The colony's police forces have the abuser's mentality that you the plebs/serfs etc should fear police as New South Wales police commisisoner Mick Fuller stated
Fuller should have been picked up on this and removed from office, but as we know that did not happen as the sociopathis in control support this kind of behaviour from their publicly sponsored 'private militia'.
Victoria Police a 1930s Germany style of action against the general population where their belief is that people should fear the police and beaten into subservience, where this attitude is reflected in actions by police from 2020 onwards.
Police Commissioner Shane Patton should have been removed from office, as theis wsa a breach of public trust, and not allowed to decide to leave his role.
So what do the 'brethen' in the corrupt government do?
They put all these people, e.g. Dan Andrews et al, in other cushy jobs.
This is how parthetic the leaders of the Victorian Govenrment are, protectionism at its finest.
The general population is now aware that Victoria police has criminals committing paeophilia, family violence and rape, where the ‘survey’ pool is very narrow and limited to a very short time span.
IF the real figures were to be revealed, then Victoria Police should not be in charge of ‘public safety’ as they are factually a danger to the community.
That is just one of the problems the police face, where the other one is of human rights abuse from 2020 onwards, not only in Victoria but throughout the other states and territories of this colony.
The State Government of Victoria and Victoria Police, ‘Human Rights’ abusers.
With the ‘blessing’ of the Police Commissioner Shane Patton, police thugs were told to arrest the vulnerable, like pregnant mothers, the elderly, meaning that these thugs acted under dictation, an action that is illegal.
They committed “illegal violence” against the general population.
They also committed unlawful arrests.
WHERE can a remedy be found?
In 1996 Corinna Horvath's 'privacy' was breached by an unlawful raid, unlawfully arrested and violently beaten by Victoria Police, where no real remedy was offered to her by the corrupt Anglo-Masonic justice business, where after all it's 'just' business.
As a result of no remedy domestically, she then had to go to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, under the case file Horvath v Australia (HRC, 2014).
THEREFORE from 2014, Victoria Police are aware that they MUST follow human rights law, where if not a remedy can be found there.
For those who have been subjected to an injection against their will or without 'free consent', where "if you do not take this, you will lose your job" the following applies:
Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article 7
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.
The document below is in response to the unlawul action of government and police from 2020 onwards during the so called 'unprecedented' global health crisis, but may be used on other circumstances such as:
Under Section 75 of The Constitution, “In all matters: (i) arising under any treaty”.
If the state is not co-operating in abusing your rights under the treaty's protections take your matter to
the High Court of Australia, with the view to a Human Rights Commission inquiry.
See document 'Legal Remedies for all Australians':
In any event, that's life in a (penal) colony!
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