11 May 2024

Australia’s new tax law screwing over the people, AGAIN!

 As time goes by, people in Australia’s governments, both federal and state are making life harder and harder for the serf population, you know, the ‘mums & dads’ taxpayers meanwhile allowing corporations to pay less tax or even turn a blind eye to tax evasion from corporations like Apple, Google, Meta or Microsoft at al, partly because the corporations named are part of the FiveEyes global surveillance network meaning that tax slaves have to support those corporations.

The Anglo-Masonic outpost called Australia is still a colony of the British Empire, albeit a self governing one as enshrined in its Constitution.

While there may be a ‘Commonwealth of Australia’ on paper, where all (federal) law is to be made by the ‘Parliament of the Commonwealth’ under the Constitution, the Australian Government and Parliament of Australia are different entities.

First and foremost the ‘Australian Government’ of today is a corporation aggregate and therefore conducts business for the benefit of corporations and not the “WHEREAS the people”.

Australia is NOT a ‘free country’, never was, nor a ‘lucky country’, as it’s a colony and therefore administered as one.

The mainstream media lies to its customers/readers/users or ‘consumers’ every single day, under a lesser known label that being ‘lies by omission’.

A new tax law on Murdoch’s websites is hardly ‘click-bait’ compared to Kardashian trash, where not only it’s about profits for the ‘entertainment’ corporation, but also not exposing more Draconian law as part of the agenda in keeping the plebs uninformed to keep them ‘Distracted & Docile’ (D&D).

In many instances people learn what's happening in Australia from overseas reports rather than from homegrown 'investigative' journalists or more accurately social media hacks working at news.com.au.

See the first video by Nomad Capitalist uploaded on 12 June 2023:

BREAKING: A New Country is Taxing Citizens Globally

See the follow up video from 17 June 2023:

Here’s PROOF Australia’s Taxes are Going Wild

That's life in a (penal) colony!

10 May 2024

Covid - Dan Andrews made orders not backed by medical advice!

See The Herald Sun, online version of the article:

Reference: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/former-federal-health-minister-recommends-national-code-for-likely-future-pandemics/video/8a5fffe40c20a5f658e3e454db1252cb

Comparing this to the print version:

Noting the following opening paragraph:

"Former federal health minister Greg Hunt has taken a swipe at Victoria and other states for overarching during the pandemic and making orders that were not backed by medical advice."

09 May 2024

Covid 'vaccine' withdrawn - AstraZeneca

The AstraZeneca drug is erroneously or rather deliberately falsely advertised as a vaccine, which it is not, as it does not confer immunity.

So, now this drug can no longer be used in the European Union.

Will the colony called Australia follow?

See article:

In any event the authorities have lied about the death rates from the jab, and are much more than officially claimed.

'Big Pharma' knew that their product was dangerous to humans, but governments and corporations still pushed it on the serf population.

The best place to read about the internal documents that prove that these corporations knew about the dangers is through whistleblowers and data leaks.

Actions by governments and corporations in this matter, i.e. 'forcing' the drug on people, are criminal in nature.

07 May 2024

Google's LIES about 'your' Google account!

Google, like MANY other corporations lie to its users, or ‘products’ they make money from.

You may have heard the term if it’s free you’re the product, with reference to Information Technology services.

Another fact that people should know is that Google works closely with the FiveEyes global surveillance network, and as a result are given MANY discounts by the governments involved, including China.

The internet has changed now, where the modus operandi is to obtain your ‘person’s’ identity under various guises, false flags, or just plain and simple deception.

Google wants you phone number and home address, where it falsely claims by doing so, it will be to your benefit, where you will “get the most out of your Google account”.

As you should know an ‘account’ is something that (financial) transfers occur on.

Does Google tell you how much it made from the information in ‘your’ account?

Let’s make that a law, for transparency reasons? Will the governments do that for the people?

There is ZERO benefit for you to give Goggle your home address, where it’s only for Google’s benefit, same goes for the phone number.