24 November 2022

Victorian Election, Victoria the secretive Police State

Victorians are living under a Chinese influenced 'dictatoship' led by Daniel Michael Andrews, where the state's police force acts under his dictation.

Andrews is criminally rorting the public purse with his rigged 'money for mates' tenders which also includes family members.

The 'best' part about this Andrews is allegedly a public servant, where his actions are accountable to the 'public' yet no one is able to see this accounting.

What's more concerning is that the courts support the secrecy.

Surely this is not in the 'interest of the public', no?

Conspiracy theory: Criminals in office cause more harm to society than criminals within society.

ATO 'Director-ID' fines unlawful?

Australia has been a colony since the (hostile) take-over by the colonialists, the UK’s monarchy together with its government from 1788.

Why ‘hostile’? 

Because there is no treaty with the original inhabitants of the land, even until today.

How honourable, but what else can one expect from English pirates.

The colony has been turned into a police state, a totalitarian state, a corporatocracy, a duopoly dictatorship, a fascist state that would even make Mussolini proud.

In the “good ol’ days”, when the pirates in the colony’s government misbehaved the motherland stepped in and put them in line with a law called the Colonial Laws Validity Act of 1865.

Today? Crickets!

Unlawfully enacted law has been put into circulation, by dishonourable people in government for decades, and for the better part the courts have been ‘supporting’ this, deceiving the people.

Australia is a ‘free range’ prison isle, obviously meaning that you are (at the moment) ‘free’ to roam around within the borders.

As time goes on though, law is being put into circulation that further enslaves the inhabitants of the land akin to that of a real life prison.

For example, now directors of corporations must register their ‘mug shots’ or more accurately biometric data, with the authorities, like one does when entering a real prison.


Allegedly to stop criminal activity?


It’s nothing to do with that.

It's ALL about expanding the Nanny State agenda, where 'you' (the general population, more specifically the 'conspiracy theorists' i.e. those who do not support an offical govenrment sponsored agenda) are the enemy.

So, the question now remains is: what lawfully enacted instrument has been put in place that a person must obey?

The answer is: NONE!

No lawfully enacted law (i.e. Act) has been put in place.

Now, whether the ‘brethren’ of those parliament, that being the judiciary will rule on this in a legal challenge is yet to be determined, but don’t hold your breath.

Australia’s courts are ‘kangaroo courts’ where there is no separation of powers between the three tiers of government, that being the Parliament, Judiciary and the Executive, where they also act under dictation.

So much for a ‘fair hearing’, there is none, and there never ever was one.

See Director ID hard copy form:

See also


Compliance with forms

                   Where an Act prescribes a form, then strict compliance with the form is not required and substantial compliance is sufficient.

Document soruce and Act reference:


23 November 2022

Australia's corrupt police - Corruption crusader KHALESIRAD goes after top cop

“There are many reasons why QPS Deputy Commissioner Steve Gollschewski should not accept the role of  Queensland "Special Coordinator for Police Reform".

Instead of punishing the sexual misconduct being reported as a public interest disclosure, Gollschewski punished the whistleblower who reported the sexual misconduct. 

This appointment was not on its merits. It's 100% political!”


22 November 2022

France bans Office 365 and Google Workspace in schools

Country has concerns over competition and regulation

The French Ministry of National Education has urged educational institutions in the country to stop using free versions of Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365 for schools and students.

The Ministry said such offers are not compatible with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Schrems II judgment of the European Court of Justice, and the Dinum circular on the 'cloud at the centre'.

The Ministry issued the statement in response to a query from MP Philippe Latombe, who wanted to know whether Microsoft's free offer in schools amounted to unfair competition.

The Ministry agreed with Latombe's assertion and said it has directed schools to discontinue using Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365.

It said that the Dinum (La direction interministérielle du numérique, the French ministry for digital transformation) circular makes it 'quite clear' that the use of Office 365 is not permitted in French administrative offices.

According to the 2021 circular government data should not be kept on Microsoft 365 cloud services, to safeguard it against a potential security breach or even abuse by US intelligence agencies.

Ministries may continue to use Microsoft software with appropriate applications (Word, Excel, etc.), but only as an on-premise version.

France has been focusing on cloud service security for a long time. The nation is attempting to defend itself against the US CLOUD Act of 2018, which mandates that businesses must reveal required data from their servers when ordered. The legislation applies both to US businesses and the clients they serve abroad.

The Ministry of National Education also referred to an earlier letter by the French data protection authority, CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes), which directed institutions in the country to ensure that their data is hosted on servers within the EU, rather than in the United States.

CNIL suggested using services offered by firms that are exclusively governed by European legislation and do not transfer customer data to countries outside the EU.

The Ministry of National Education also considered the Schrems II ruling from the EU Court of Justice, which declared the transatlantic framework for sending personal data from European users to the United States invalid.

Both Germany and France prohibit the use of free versions of Microsoft Office 365 in education.

Similar to France, Germany has concluded that the app gathers data from the user's machines and transfers it to American datacentres, in violation of the GDPR guidelines.


21 November 2022

No 'State of Emergency' for Victoria, government lies

The people in goverment lie to you every single day.

Politicians, public servants, premiers, 'chief' health officers lie via press conferences live broadcasts or in print media articles.

MANY people are not aware that Australians live in a fascist state that would make Mussolini proud.

The colony's governments are not transparent, there is no seperation of powers, the police act under dication and the people are (ultimately) silenced.

With regards to the government's lies on the Victorian 'State of Emergency':

In respect of subordinate instruments, The Presumption of Validity does not apply in the case of such instruments; therefore a prosecution must prove the legality of the Stay at Home Directions beyond reasonable doubt (which requires it to prove, inter alia, the legality of the Declaration of Emergency); and Must disclose the evidence upon which the prosecution relies upon as the alleged proof of the legality of the said instruments as part of its duty of disclosure in criminal proceedings.

See court docucment:

Document source: https://constitutionwatch.com.au/there-was-no-victorian-emergency/