03 October 2012

Government supported Carbon Credits theft


Do not allow door knockers to enter your premises or accept any ‘free’ power savings devices.

The Australian government has set up another scam that involves the theft of monies from the general populous.

With the ever so popular ‘go green’ politics to apparently save the planet, there have been many new and ingenious ways to defraud finances.

The Australian government has entered an agreement with outsourced Indian companies, to install an alleged ‘power saving’ device into the household.

The claim is that this device will save the household a percentage of electricity used, where the reality is that the device is a timer that turns of any connected appliance, eg. TV even whilst you are watching it.

The outsourced company then steals the Carbon Credits that your household is entitled to, for the duration of the agreement.

Consumers are given false information as to the accuracy of the power savings potential (effectively zero), and deliberately mislead as to the theft of carbon credits.

Under Australian Consumer Law, providing misleading information in order to obtain sales is illegal.

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