25 November 2021

Corporations 'forcing' you to use smartphones and online banking

Living in a fascist colony is 'hard yakka'.

People of the world are being deceived that Melbourne is the world's 'most livable city' almost every year in a row.

People of the world are being deceived that Australians live in a 'free' democracy.

The reality is that we live in a place where fascist corporatism rules the people.

While the spokespeople from government say that an action is completely 'voluntary' corporations put out a policy stating that an action is mandatory, where there is no lawfully enacted framework for persons to follow this 'idea'.

Now, a policy for those in power is to use people's energy (to input data, for free) via the technology they carry on them to monitor and control their movements, ingenious!

It is imperative for governments to phase out cash in order to better monitor and control people's movements.

ALL aspects of your life must have a digital footprint, where you can be tracked and monitored.

This is obviously packaged up as a benefit (to corporations) or a saving or something great for the community in such a way that it is difficult to argue against.

Just one action of using a supermarket's trolley, will 'force' you to

- have a smartphone,

- enable online banking (which is technically a security risk),

- provide data that you are not aware of to a company that can (and will) distribute this data to others irrespective of what they will write on their website.

It is because of this last point that the use of a QR code is a security risk, as described by a government cyber security department, which advises against the use of QR codes, but people are STILL willing to expose themselves to this threat.

For whatever reasons many people do not use smartphones or have enabled online banking from their accounts, where they WILL be discriminated against by corporations and not be allowed to use trolleys to take the corporation's products into their vehicle or even in store(?).

While some may resist, the majority of the herd will comply.

P.S. Oops sorry, you're not 'forced', you just can't participate in society if you don't.

See the articles:



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