19 September 2023

Largest attack on scammers thus far

Can a coalition of citizens make more of an impact than what governments with much greater resources, have tried to do over the years with regards to computer based fraud?

Whatever the medium, persons with criminal intent will always try to find ways to extort cash from their victims.

Computer related criminal activity has been around since the beginning, and as time has gone on, the methods have become more sophisticated.

If the law was structured in such a manner to deter this type of criminal activity, as opposed to a person receiving a fine of $3873.70 for travelling an alleged 6km/h over the posted speed limit, in Victoria which was recently changed giving the possibility of entrapment, then maybe there would be less criminal activity over the ether.

While Israel may have the world's best hacking/cracking technologies, it seems that India is the world's scamming capital.

See video:

MANY Australians are scammed every day, where it seems that the Australian Government has not done enough to keep its colonial inhabitants safe.

Australia despite being considered a 'First World' nation is falling every year in Internet speed ratings, where third world nations have a higher rating.

At the time of this post Australia is 87 (-3) for its Fixed Broadband speed, showing a 'failure of government' in relation to up-to-date IT infrastructure. 

See: https://www.speedtest.net/global-index

For too many years, the Australian Government has outsourced low quality and cheap (to the taxpayer) workforce to plan and maintain the communications infrastructure.

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