25 May 2024

Damages awards must consider inflation - judge

Courts would have to start taking the continuing inflation into account when awarding damages for loss of incomes, Mr. Justice Murphy said in the High Court yesterday.

He was delivering a judgement on an appeal against an $84,000 damages award by Mr. Justice Blackburn in the A.C.T. Supreme Court.

“The continuation of inflation will require the courts to evolve principles to do justice in assessing the way in which future loss or expense will be affected by inflation,” Mr. Justice Murphy said.

“The development of such principles is long overdue.

“In calculating the present value of future loss of wages as a basis for assessing loss of earning capacity, the prevailing practice is to assume unchanging wage rates when clearly the wage rates will increase.

“This is not a reasonable way to achieve restitution.”

The High Court dismissed the appeal.

From the archives:

Please also note that Lionel Murphy, was as corrupt as they get.

Tax evasion, organised crime and porn are just some of the allegations made against him, not mentioning paedophilia on night flights to Brisbane. 

The best part about all of this is that his 'brotherhood' looked after him, where over half of the allegations where dismissed.

How it pays to be supported by 'friends' in high places.

The police are also part of the corruption.

And people are 'judged' by scum of the Earth like him, who demand to be called 'honourable'? 

A cancer to society dies from cancer in 1986, how befitting.

The tentacles of the corrupt Anglo-Masonic legal system reach far and wide.

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