22 September 2024

Australia’s Internet speed rank has not improved since 2023

Australia is referred to by many, especially in the mainstream, as a "lucky country" but that’s only a half truth, and that half truth is not entirely accurate, where the rest is deliberately left out.

The term ‘lucky country’ came from a book by Donald Horne, describing Australia in the 1960s, where there is a problem with this.

Australia is not a ‘country’ but first and foremost still a colony, as described in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

Australia the self governing colony

See also:

Australia The Concealed Colony the book the federal police removed from bookshelves

The second part of the so called saying is deliberately left out, as it’s not a complement to those who run this colony.

In its entirety, the description reads:

'Australia is a lucky country, run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck.'

where this shows in the results, across the board.

MANY people believe that Australia is a democracy, but the reality is quite different, where it can be easily seen as a totalitarian state, oligarchical corporatocracy or a fascist state that would make Mussolini proud.

Corruption is rife in in all aspects of the three tiers of government, that being the parliament, judiciary and executive and federal and state levels.

Australia could have had a higher fixed broadband rank than 76 which has not moved since January 2023, but 'money for mates' work, corrupt business deals where ‘over-budget’ is the excuse, has cost Australian taxpayers / internet users dearly.

Will the corruption subside? 

Most definitely not, as there are too many ‘dishonourable’ people in positions of power, where the general population does not want to do anything about it, as their silence is acquiescence. 

That’s life in the colony.

See also:

Australia’s internet speed plummeting

Australia's Internet speed ranking falls yet again!

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