17 October 2024

CONSUMER HEALTH WARNING: Cancer warning (deliberately?) omitted by JB Hi-Fi?

You know the story?

Profits before health, we’ll deal with the litigation IF it ever arises, (lol - at the litigants) where we’ll even gaslight them if we must.

We’ll even scam the consumer on an extended warranty, while we're at it!

SO, here’s the deal.

A watch sold by JB Hi-Fi, namely the NOTHING brand’s CMF Watch Pro 2 carries a couple of serious health warnings.

On the back of the original box, the warning states:


Source: TechSpurt

The watch also does not have WiFi or celluar connectivity, only Bluetooth and GPS.

Well, you can’t argue that you weren’t told, right?

After it’s too late and you bought the product, or you missed that warning?

BUT on cigarette packaging the cancer warning is conspicuous, right?


Because of liability, so you can't sue the corporations of billions of dollars in profits producing addictive poison, laced with chemicals that give you cancer?

Well, no health warning from JB Hi-Fi on the product they’re selling, but they’ll try so scam you extra for warranty that you already are privy to under Australian consumer law.

That’s life in the colony called Australia.

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