04 October 2024

The Great Aussie Motorist Fuel Rip-off!


Australian motorists have been getting ripped off by their government and the petrochemical industry for decades, where realistically nothing has been done about it and nothing ever will be.

All that will ever flow out of the government's mouths is lies.

There's ALWAYS an excuse, as in a war here or there.

Why not lay the blame on cow's flatulence or that there is not enough sunshine on the solar farms?

The reality is that the government being a 'stakeholder', profits from high fuel prices therefore it is not in the best interest for so called 'authorities' like the ACCC (Australian Competition & Consumer Commission) or ministers to intervene.

The fuel price shown above is from Melbourne a couple of weeks ago where it went up 45 cents or 27% in one day from approx. $1.65 per litre with zero 'real' reason for it.

It seems that motorists are quite pleased with that price hike, as their silence is acquiescence.

No mass 'protest' about this?

Obviously life is too good in the (penal) colony.

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