01 October 2024

EXPOSED! Government LIES on Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024

The authoritarian state called Australia is in full swing into 'Commie' (Communist) mode.

For those who are not ware of what Authoritarianism is, the description below may offer an explanation.

Australians and the world is deceived that we live in a democracy in this colonial outpost.

The goal of this 'Misinformation and Disinformation' law is not to stop advertising corporations oops 'social media' platforms from providing false information to their users, or even the 'public', but rather to stop people/general population/serfs/plebs from exercising their 'freedom of speech' a fundamental right in a 'democracy'.

In Australia, and other nations within the the FiveEyes global surveillance network, every person has a file on them, where their entire digital history is stored forever, and this information can (and is) accessed without any warrants in place.

In any event, the government has been caught out with this Bill, where there is no business case for it nor did the people require it.

But will there be any consequences?

Of course not!

Enjoy your journey to a totalitarian state.





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