Bad results ... Australian students are falling behind in maths, finishing 18th out of the 63 countries measured.
Source: Supplied
KIDS who have at least one parent working in IT, business or engineering are the best performing students in Australia.
report into the link between student performance and their parents’
occupations has also found the sons and daughters of subsistence
farmers, salespeople and machine operators are the lowest performing
students in the nation’s schools.
Advantage ... children who have at least one parent working in IT, business or engineering are the best performing students.
Source: News Limited
Australian Information Industry Association CEO Suzanne Campbell said: “ICT workers’ skills include the analytical, the innovative, the creative thinking, the can-do, curiosity and solving business problems.
“My expectation is that the children of ICT workers are enjoying the benefits of being exposed to all of those skills and being inspired in their family environment to take risks.”
She said exposing kids to sites like — where they learn how to make code software and solve problems — would also be having an effect.
Early start ... the children of
information and communications technology workers are enjoying the
benefits of being exposed to analytical and creative thinking skills,
say experts.
Source: Supplied
The gap between Australia and the top maths performers is so big that the son or daughter of a Shanghai (China) subsistence farmer will perform as well as the offspring of an Australian health or teaching professional.
The kids of customer service clerks and clerical support workers in Singapore will on average perform better than the Australian kids of ICT workers, who are our best performing students.
First teachers ... parents need to
turn off the television and get their child involved in stimulating and
educational activities.
Source: News Limited
“How well you perform at school is not just about your home background and what your parents do,” he said.
“There is more we can do in Australia and it gets back to having stronger expectations about what students can actually do and not trying to make an excuse that just because they might come from a working class background that they are not going to do well.
“Parents are their children’s first teachers. Parents need to have higher expectations by turning off the computers and the plasma TV and actually getting their kids to do more stimulating and engaging activities.”
Charles Sturt Faculty of Education Professor Toni Downes said part of the difference between Australia and Asia is due to the importance placed on education overseas.
“There is a significant difference across these countries in the importance attributed to ‘schooling’ by families of different of socio-economic backgrounds,” she said.
“In some of these countries very poor families will make extraordinary sacrifices to ensure that their children get a good education — because they see it as a way of lifting the children and future generations out of poverty.
“These sentiments no longer seem as strong in western or first-world nations.”
Prof Downes said the amount of family income parents spent on out-of-school coaching in South Korea, Hong Kong and Japan is a lot higher than in Australia.
Explore the relationship between parents’ occupations and their children’s performance in mathematics, reading and science — in your own country and in other countries — by clicking here .
The best performing students in Australia are the sons and daughters of:
Information and communications technology workers
Business and administration professionals
Science and engineering associates
Science and engineering professionals
Legal, social and cultural workers
Chief executives senior officials
Teaching professionals
Health professionals
Business and administration associates
The worst performing:
Subsistence farmers
Street and related salespeople
Stationary plant and machine workers
Cleaners and helpers
Elementary occupations
Food preparation assistants
Market-oriented skilled forestry and fishery workers
Plant and machine operators
Labourers in mining construction
Food processing and wood working
Source: OECD 19 Feb 2014