25 September 2024

Queenslanders lost the right to 'free speech', who's next?

As time goes on the dictators of this colony criminalise the action of the serfs.

What was considered before as a 'normal' action, with the introduction of new laws is now considered criminal.

VLAD (Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013) law came into circulation unlawfully, and there is nothing anyone can do about it, as the fascist dictators will not allow that to happen.

The colony is a 'Nanny State' subservient and a member of the FiveEyes global surveillance network.

While the corporations within the FiveEyes, e.g. Google, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon et al, have free reign the 'users' that the corporation make billions from are subject to all sorts of restrictions, where an attack on free speech is the main goal.


Because too many people now have the ability to expose government and corporate corruption posting it on 'social' media, beyond the controlling narratives of governments and mainstream media.

In Queensland, the authorities removed the Legislative Council, or upper house unlawfully, by the introduction of the Constitution Amendment Act 1921 which took effect on the 23rd of March 1922.

So for over 100 years now, the legal process has no 'checks and balances' taking place, even though a referendum was taken and the people said no to the removal of the Legislative Council.

So are Queensland's laws, after 1922 put into circulation 'lawfully' as opposed to 'legally'?

The government went against the will of the people, and what did the people do about it? Nothing!

Therefore Queenland's government not a fascist dictatorship?

Queensland has a history of passing 'dodgy' law at times like 2am or on public holidays, when the plebs are busy with events design to keep them occupied.

See the 'sneaky' Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024, within the link:


See also video on this topic:

The Police State of Australia in all its glory!

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