But crafty politicians like Rep. McNerney and Rep. Cartwright are couching the technology as a viable way to help save people money by lowering their electricity bills. This explanation, of course, is meant to divert attention away from the not-so-enticing fact that the technology is really nothing more than a massive, interconnected government spying and control apparatus.
"[The bill] would apparently require all electricity providers, including rural cooperatives and municipal utilities, to join the 'smart' grid and install 'smart' meters," explains the energy freedom advocacy group StopSmartMeters.org.
What else does this inauspicious bill aim to accomplish? According to a summary of the bill, posted as H.R. 2685 at GovTrack.us -- you need to read between the lines to really understand what is being stated in this summary -- certified Energy Star appliances and other energy-saving products will be required to contain wireless technologies capable of communicating with both energy providers and potentially even the government.
"[T]he bill would require appliances with the Energy Star label to include wireless transmitters that cannot be turned off, in order to communicate (and presumably cough up your private data and respond to orders from Big Brother Smart Grid to switch you off at a moment's notice, as happened to dozens of people in Northern California recently when their not-so-smart-AC program cut off their air conditioning at the height of the recent heat wave," adds StopSmartMeters.org.
"The bill would also establish a 'smart grid information center' that would presumably create pro-smart-grid propaganda at the taxpayer's expense."
Smart meters exposed as part of NSA 'PRISM' spying scam
Even worse is the fact that Landis Gyr, a major smart meter manufacturer that describes itself as a "world leader" in smart grid technology, let the cat out of the bag that the National Security Agency (NSA), which we now know actively spies on innocent Americans' phone calls and text messages, also uses smart meters to spy on Americans.
Thanks to a NaturalNews reader tip, we learned that Landis Gyr recently had a company voicemail message that admitted smart meter technology is part of the NSA's "PRISM" spying and surveillance program. Since gaining national attention about this admission, Landis Gyr has apparently altered its company voicemail message to omit this indicting information.
Your help needed to oppose HR 2685, the Smart Meter Trojan Horse Act
H.R. 2685 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for consideration, which means this is the first point of contact in effectively killing this bill. StopSmartMeters.org has set up a helpful action page that you can use to contact not only the committee but also the bill's sponsors and the rest of your Congressmen:
Sources for this article include:
naturalnews.com 1 Aug 2013
Australia is also part of this agenda.
What is next on the able for Australia is
Gas Smart meters AND
Water Smart Meters.
It is all part of the global agenda of monitoring and later controlling the movements of the masses.