Australians are deliberately over-administered by so called ‘authorities’ where in many instances these authorities act beyond their limited powers.
Today’s city councils are not the lawfully enacted departments of the state as ‘municipal offices’ of the past, as required the Commonwealth Constitution.
In Victoria city councils will tell you that they have their ‘authority’ from the Local Government Act 1979.
But is this so called authority lawfully enacted?
The short answer is no.
City Councils in general are a cesspit of ‘money for mates’ jobs where many unqualified persons are in place, rorting the rate payers.
Is there a so called ‘Royal Commission’ into this?
Of course not, as this should also expose the illegitimacy of those in office in the councils, which would then be detrimental to the Victorian government as this would expose the monumental fraud perpetuated by the government on the good people of Victoria.
Corruption in City Councils is rife, where in one instance only, the whole ‘City Council’ of Brimbank was sacked.
The same action should also occur at the City Council of ‘Merri-bek’ formerly known as the City of Moreland, whose name change was not necessary not warranted, but rather imposed on the people, to keep the positions of those in office justified, as if they care about the Indigenous people.
See the pathetic lunacy by those within Merri-Bek in this short 7 minute video: