07 July 2023

Dr. Mark Hobart, professional misconduct according to AHPRA

See letter:

See also Black's Law dictionary for the definition of informed consent:

Please note that the Australian medical and government authorities forced patients/persons to undergoe a medical procedure without proper documentation concering the administered drugs, nor was the procedure carried out without any pressure/bias/coersion to do so.

02 July 2023

Apple the environmental vandals

Lisa: Steve Jobs’ sabotage and Apple’s secret burial | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Sabotage, hired goons, and a landfill in Utah: this is a story about the life, death, and afterlife of Apple’s most pioneering flop, the Lisa computer. How it inspired generations of computers to follow; how Steve Jobs championed it, then turned against it; and how an outsider gave it another chance…before Apple closed the door on the Lisa forever.

See video: