11 February 2025

Exposing Corrupt Real Estate Agents: Ray White Bankstown

- “Cui bono” (Latin phrase for ‘who benefits’) is a fundamental question when it comes to actions like corruption. 

- Who are the victims of this corruption?

Australia’s Real Estate industry is rife with corruption, where there is little action from the government to kerb this behaviour.


Because the government benefits from this, where the higher the prices, the more real estate agents can rip off people, the more tax dollar on the bureaucrat coffers.

The government is responsible for the housing crisis and the general population thinks/expects the same people in government that created the problem for the serfs/plebs to fit it for them?

Yeah, nah.

The victims of this fraudulent industry are the good people of Australia, the serfs, plebs those pesky immigrant banks slaves that drive the 'economy'.

The goverment doesn't 'care' about the gen. pop. pool, never has never will.

Because, after all they're disposable 'resources', period.

The government has installed austerity in the is colony where it’s going to only get worse, where it will be Nirvana for those in control if it can get to a level like in Nth Korea.

So Ray White Bankstown gave the following financial advice to its customers:

“In some cases we ask you do all that you can to borrow the money from other sources (i.e. Your family, friend, employer, bank, credit cards, pawnbroker.) should you not be able to make a payment on time.”

Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) clearly states in its Newsroom article from 2020, that it continues to crackdown on unlicensed operators.

Information obtained from a confidential source indicates that Ray White Bankstown does not hold an AFS licence nor are authorised representatives of an AFS licensee.

Since the above document has been not only posted on ‘social media’, but also mentioned in the mainstream media, will the Directors or the following people within Ray White Bankstown face legal consequences or even action from ASIC?

Tell us what you think in the comments section.

10 February 2025

During Australia’s worsening ‘housing crisis’ government doubles Indian intake

PROOF that the government hates the people, not to be confused with ‘its people’*....

Aussies never had a ‘housing crisis’.

The Commonwealth government of yesteryear looked after the general population providing enough housing associated with natural growth rate and immigration levels.

Those people in government have been usurped by low quality, low moral corporate whores, working for corporations, like BlackRock, Vanguard and other banking & financial services institutions and not ‘the people’.

Over the past few decades, the government orchestrated a build up of this behemoth today that is called the housing crisis in order to inflict pain, suffering and financial hardship on the general population for the sake of the government’s coffers or as they put it ‘the economy’.

In the United States in a mid sized city like Melbourne not that long ago, the consideration that an inflow of 700 per week is too much for the city to handle.

By comparison the Australian authorities have flooded Melbourne with approximately 2,500 low quality ‘slaves’ per week, creating havoc on the general population.

Prior to a health event in 2020 the Australian Governmment imported between 130-200k corporated fodder units per year. where even during the height of the health scare between 30-40k per year where imported, into Victoria but the general population was under Martial Law like conditions, locked up for their safety at night when the government brought in 'plane people'.

Now as mentioned before, the flood gates have opened up to whatever trash nations want to get rid of from their gene pool is imported to this colony.

The surprising truth of open defecation in India | Sangita Vyas | TEDxWalledCity

"Most rural Indians deficate in the open. Every day 500 million people .. go in the fields rather than use a toilet or latrine."

The worst part about this is that the government is going back to its roots where it’s in the business of importing large amount of criminals into this (still) colony.

The crime sprees across some of Australia’s major cities are deliberately under reported by police and the mainstream media in order not to alert the population as to the severity of the problem that the government has created.

In reality there is no deportation, where all are bailed to commit more crimes against the good people of Australia.

This is a deliberate policy to screw Aussies over.

The few so called deportations are there just so save face.

Australia was a good nation, ‘a lucky country… run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck’, where that applied from the 1960’s.

Today’s it’s worse, where Australia is run by taxpayer rorting, total scum of the Earth.

The reality is that Aussies are run by a highly organised criminal syndicate, which has its own 'private militial' funded by taxpayers.

As a result of opening the flood gates into Australia, the government has left many people homeless, given way too many mental health issues, and many have also suicided as as a result of hopelessness.

“How many is too many” with reference to the Victorian government’s road toll propaganda campaign, Towards Zero, which they are fully aware that it's a farce.

So who cares about the serfs dying off as a result of government oppression?

Well not the low moral people in the governmnemt, of course.

*" The first job of a government is to look after the safety of its people", meaning the Executive, Parliament and Judicature Judicature, where the pesky peasants are not anywhere on the list.

Australia is a corporate criminal's paradise, especially when you're supported by the brotherhood.

That's life in a free range penal colony called Australia.
