25 July 2024

Three BIG lies exposed

Governments and the mainstream media, lie to the people every single day.

Some lies may be harmless, others are deliberately detrimental and designed to influence society for whatever agenda is at play.

Here are just some of the lies perpetuated by government and media.

Antisemitism is a very polar topic subject to heightened emotions, where the ‘technicality’ is a bit more simple where ignorance is the major concern.

What is referred to as the masses or the heard population are people that are (deliberately) ignorant of the world they live in  with respect to politics at domestic or global level as an example.

When these people congregate or gather towards a common belief, they may vent their frustrations against a ‘minority’ that has nothing to do with their displeasure of an action.

In this example their erroneous belief is that the ‘jews’ may be responsible for an action, where the reality is quite different.

Enter, Zionism.

According to Wikipedia, Zionism is an ethno-cultural nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonization of a land outside of Europe.

That may have been the case in the late 19th Century, but the roots are much deeper to the times of Christ and earlier, where it has expanded and today it’s a global movement, encompassing global domination across many different disciplines focusing on control via financial transactions.

So when the heard directs their energy towards the ‘jews’ they should be focusing on the global elite, and/or the Zionists.

Homophobia is another deliberately falsified phrase flung around indiscriminately.

In all of the three main Abrahamic religious beliefs, homosexuality is a definite no-no.

In most of the world’s alleged democratic societies, religious beliefs cannot be discriminated against, yet they are when it comes to homosexuality.

If a devout Christian, Jew or Muslim openly/publicly denounces homosexuality, there is an attack on that person, citing a false narrative, homophobia.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, “ a phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity. This fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid the source of this fear. One response can be a panic attack. This is a sudden, intense fear that lasts for several minutes. It happens when there is no real danger.”

Therefore if one is a homophobe, one is scared or fearful of homosexuals in the same calibre as one is of arachnids as described in arachnophobia.

How many people are truly scared of homoesexuals like they are of scorpion or spiders?

Racism is another deliberately off the mark description.

First and foremost, every man woman or child on this planet is part of something called the ‘Human race’.

This is irrespective of one’s skin tone.

There is no such thing as ‘race’. To even speak of the notion of race is misguided. There is no scientific or biological foundation for the idea of race. Scientists that have mapped the human genome have found there is no basis in the genetic code for race. Race is a social construct.

See document:

People are not racist but rather nationalistic.


20 July 2024

Australian Government’s website security appalling

The buffoons in government are sleeping on the job, siphoning taxpayer dollars to keep their extended lunches afloat or just have ‘outsourced’ low quality I.T. workforce.

When visiting websites, a quintessential part of internet security is a protocol called https, where data travels encrypted as opposed to non encrypted via http.

HTTPS is not new, where it’s been around for a while.

In 2016, a campaign by the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the support of web browser developers led to the protocol becoming more prevalent, where today you wouldn’t want to exchange information with a non https site.

It’s not a matter that the website is ‘just’ a weather site, it’s a matter that your data is being exposed, where a malicious actor could obtain other information in order to compromise your security on your device.

The alleged whole point of fining ‘speeding’ drivers, e.g. 63km/h in a 60km/h zone is that you could kill someone.

Another government failure at the expense of the people.

19 July 2024

The false public image of Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The people in authority would have the serfs think that they are all about equality and non discrimination, but the reality is far from their so called ‘advertising’, especially within the ‘brotherhood’ community.

First and foremost homosexuality is against all the Abrahamic religious beliefs, that being Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

One of the biggest lies perpetuated by governments and the mainstream media is this label called ‘homophobia’.

When one doesn’t agree with homosexuality, as it goes against one’s religious beliefs one is falsely labelled as homophobic.

It would be safe to say that no one is technically fearful or frightened of homosexuals, as a ‘phobias’ are “typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are usually present for more than six months.” as mentioned in Wikipedia.

Conversely MANY people are suffer from arachnophobia, meaning scared or frightened of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions and ticks.

Homosexuality in politics is taboo, while in the entertainment industry it is acceptable.

It was widely known in the entertainment industry that Graham Kennedy was a homosexual, but they still portrayed him as not being one by giving him a female friend for show.

In politics, it’s a different story, where ex PM Julia Gillard was lauded for a couple of firsts, keeping it under wraps that she was also the first homosexual female PM, where it was well known within her close political circle that she was a homosexual.

On a side note Gillard was not into office lawfully, as she did not take the Oath as required within the Constitution, see article:

Julia Gillard sworn in as Prime Minister incorrectly?

see also:

No news on ex PM in court over oath & ‘Queen of Australia’?

Now, enter Mr. Anthony Norman Albanese, where he’s as ‘camper’ as they come, but that’s a no no in the political clown show.

They hook him up with a woman, to make it more believable, that’s he’s not homosexual, where he’s got a son with an ex-wife.

His son also benefits from his father’s position, but that is beyond the scope of this article.

MANY of the colony's politicians are corrupt to the core, where it is difficult to convict them of criminal or unlawful activity even if they’re publicly ousted.


15 July 2024

The shocking truth behind data breaches

The authorities deliberately downplay the shocking reality of data breaches, with words like ‘isolated incident’ or ‘no personal details’ or whatever other phrases to keep the victims docile.

See article: 

Government lies, MediSecure cyber attack "isolated"

As the governments, corporations and banks force oops ‘entice’ shoppers/consumers the serfs towards a cashless society, the stakes will be higher where the victims now have a lot to lose are the people and not those in control of the people.

A contributing factor to data breaches is something called ‘outsourcing’, which is all about denouncing responsibility/liability for said I.T services, like data storage.

Companies/corporations/governments then wash their hands of any incompetence, or consequences arising from data breaches.

A recent data breach at AT&T is deliberately downplayed by both the government and the company.


A recent article of the title, UNC5537 Targets Snowflake Customer Instances for Data Theft and Extortion outlines some major issues.

See link: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/threat-intelligence/unc5537-snowflake-data-theft-extortion

If reading is not your forte, then maybe this topic in spoken word may help:

12 July 2024

Report into disgraced cop Paul Reynolds highlights how he was able to groom dozens of young boys for decades

Australia, being one of the members of the FiveEyes surveillance network is among the most surveilled places on the planet.


Because they tell the people that it’s for their protection.

So with all this surveillance, in many many cases it fails victims of crime, like over 50 victims, boys that have been groomed by homosexual paedophile Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds.

Is this a ‘failure of government’ or a factual cover up for decades, that is officially denied?

MANY criminal actions of police are protected by the state's corrupt government and legal system.

What's worse is that the scum in government gave him a state funeral.

See article:

A shocking report into former Tasmanian Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds has highlighted what he did to gain the trust of an entire community.()

In short:

A report handed down into disgraced former Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds has highlighted the way his standing in the community was used as a tool to groom more than 50 boys over three decades.

Report author Regina Weiss described Reynolds' conduct as the 'most prolific grooming' by one person she'd seen in nearly 20 years of work in the field.

What's next?

Ms Weiss says recognising grooming red flags is vital, with keeping children safe a responsibility of the whole community.

After Senior Sergeant Paul Reynolds took his own life in 2018, hundreds of people lined Launceston's Elizabeth Street to pay their respects.

WARNING: This story contains details of sexual abuse which may cause distress.

But the majority of the crowd didn't know he'd been using his standing in the community to groom more than 50 boys over three decades.

Former war crimes prosecutor Regina Weiss, the author of an independent review into Reynolds' conduct, said Reynolds perpetrated the "most prolific grooming" by one individual that she'd seen in nearly 20 years working on sexual and gender-based violence.

"He was a master at it. He groomed victims, he groomed their parents, he groomed the communities, the sporting clubs," she said.

"He groomed his own colleagues, some of whom are devastated … they worked alongside someone and didn't see it."

The report paints a horrifying picture of how Reynolds used his position of respect in the football community and as a police officer again and again to earn and then betray the trust of young people and those who cared about them.

And, how he cast a spell on his fellow police officers to avoid detection.

Ms Weiss argues that understanding how Reynolds groomed victims is crucial to ensuring it doesn't happen again.

"If there's one key takeaway from this report and the report we've done it's that it's a community responsibility to look after our children," she said.

"It's the responsibility of parents and guardians and grandparents and bystanders to recognise what grooming looks like and to report it and to safeguard our children."

Regina Weiss says Reynolds' pattern of abuse was 'considered and targeted'.(ABC News: Ebony ten Broeke)

Reynolds met most of his victims through basketball and football, where he was a coach and briefly president of the Northern Tasmanian Football Association.

Widely renowned as an excellent football coach, Reynolds used his standing and his position as a senior police officer to befriend, groom and abuse young boys.

Ms Weiss went through thousands of text messages Reynolds sent boys and young men in the years before his death, finding his pattern of grooming and abuse was "considered and targeted", often directed at boys without male role models.

In the years before his death he went to almost all the Deloraine Football Club's games and was always in the change rooms, often giving pre-game rub-downs to young players, despite having no links to the club.

One man, who was 15 when he met Reynolds through football, told the review the police officer was "always around, always friendly to us young guys".

"He was also at basketball and that, everyone knew who he was. He was so very funny, the funniest bloke I've ever met. I was drawn to him straightaway," he said.

The report found Reynolds often directed his attention at boys without male role models.

Another man who Reynolds coerced to send a picture of his penis when he was 15 and often received explicit messages, told the review Reynolds did "so much good for me. He helped with football. He took me to footy training."

At the heart of it all was "banter".

He used a teenage-like communication style, slapped boys in their genital region, and told them graphic stories about his sex life.

He won boys over. One victim-survivor described Reynolds as "my best friend".

"He was always crude and sexual in the way he spoke but he was the funniest man I knew. I trusted him — I thought he was the best bloke ever," he told the review.

The graphic below illustrates how Reynolds went about grooming boys and young men.

Families, community also targeted

He also groomed the families of the teenage boys he was targeting.

He told them he had experience in sports massage, offering to massage their children or give them special coaching.

he parents felt their children were safe with Reynolds, given his position as a police officer and in the sporting community, often expressing gratitude for his assistance.

The broader community was also under Reynolds' spell.

"He would shake everyone's hand, he would know everyone. People at the football wanted to be around Paul," someone who knew him from football administration told the review.

One police officer said Reynolds made "an overwhelming first impression".

"He could tell jokes like no other — three-minute monologues followed by a punchline. I thought this guy was incredible," he said.

Ms Weiss said he ingratiated himself so convincingly as an upstanding member of the policing and sporting communities that some members of the small communities he lived in "to this day do not accept or believe that Reynolds had been capable of grooming and sexually abusing children."

For years, Reynolds was consistently at the Deloraine Football Club's games, despite having no link to the club.

Reynolds leveraged police position as grooming tool

Reynolds didn't just use his charisma and reputation. He told people, particularly young men he was grooming, that he had lots of influence in the police force.

He bragged that he could help the father of one of the teenage boys in his company to get out of jail on parole.

Ms Weiss highlighted a particularly horrific example that occurred sometime between 2011 and 2015, when he visited the house of a man who considered him to be a friend and mentor.

Reynolds was holding what looked like a police report or complaint about him, and told the young man he "can make it go away" if the man performed a sexual act on him.

The complainant told Ms Weiss he was "shocked and scared".

"I had never been in trouble with the law. I had kept myself clean and tidy and had always kept my nose clean. I didn't want to be in trouble or on the wrong side of the law," the man told the review.

But when Ms Weiss searched police records for a copy of that complaint or report, she didn't find anything.

Instead she came to the conclusion that it never existed, and that Reynolds had made it up in a bid to procure sexual favours.

Regina Weiss said Reynolds sold himself so convincingly as an upstanding community member that some still have difficulty accepting the truth.

Escaping detection

Despite the web of secrecy he created, Reynolds' offending didn't escape the attention of his colleagues.

In 2008, interstate police officers at the police academy bar overheard senior members of Tasmania Police call Reynolds a paedophile, and discussed two specific examples of alleged inappropriate conduct.

One of them related to Reynolds being seen giving a teenage boy a massage in his home, while the boy sat between his legs.

The interstate officers reported what they'd overheard to a Tasmania Police divisional inspector, who reported it to the commander of the internal investigations unit.

Ms Weiss found no internal cover ups but concluded police were too concerned about the risk of reputational damage to Reynolds during a 2008 investigation to take further action.

But both senior police officers said their conversation had been misinterpreted and they had not called Reynolds a paedophile.

The case was closed, with an assistant commissioner at the time noting the allegations could have "potentially very damaging consequences for a person wrongfully accused".

It took another decade before Reynolds was again investigated by police, with that probe ceasing when he took his own life.

But it wasn't until a coronial inquest was released in 2023 that Tasmanians learnt Reynolds was a sexual predator.

And that community members and his colleagues hadn't known his true nature when they went to his funeral five years earlier.

10 July 2024

Australia’s skyrocketing house prices fuelled by crime syndicates


The Australian governments, both federal and state have allowed internal and external to the colony, criminal organisations to inflate the cost of housing (sales and rentals), where after all it’s a win-win for the governments.

In many countries around the world one cannot purchase real estate, even if one is that country's national unless one is living there or has a permanent address.

No so in the colony called Australia.

ANY global ('alleged') criminal can purchase/lease land here.

While the serfs/plebs within the colony are subject to rigorous financial checks when applying for finance or even rental premises, drug money fueled overseas [and home grown] ‘investors’ can purchase properties in Australia via 'Zoom' or any other online platform, pricing many Australians out of the housing market.

A little while ago when 'the Abbot' was the prime minister of Australia, he stated that 'Australia is open for business', where many Australians did not comprehend the meaning of his words.

What is meant by that statement is that if we could sell our (and your) grandmothers we would, but since 'slavery' is illegal ($7/hr anyone?) we technically can't.

As part of the new immigration policy for Australia, a lot of low quality humans have been deliberately imported into Australia, from all around the world.

With these low quality humans many are from criminal backgrounds coming to Australia to carry on their criminal activities, which the governments and police turn a blind eye to.

Drug money is being allowed to be laundered in the building industry, by the banks and police as both of these institutions are subservient to their brethren in government, where the victims are the good people of Australia, the 'mums and dads investors' and their children.

The so called Tobacco War that is now predominant in the mainstream media is a direct result of importing criminal trash into Australia, where there is zero remedy meaning to 'go back to where you came from' scenario.

Another deliberate action by the government.

MANY say 'the system is broken' but in reality, it's functioning exactly the way it was designed by the Anglo-Masonic legal system.

Australia, being part of the FiveEyes global surveillance network, is one one the most surveilled nations on the planet, where authorities claim that is for the protection of the people in relation to stamping out crime, yet with all this surveillance the authorities allow criminal organisations to flourish, because the governments profit from this.

That's life in a (penal) colony called 'Straya!

04 July 2024

AI Generated low quality content, the new normal?

We’ve come to a new age, where A.I. generated ‘content’ will saturate the internet.

The worst part about it that it’s absolute garbage, low quality and low value to the user.

It's bad enough that Google has screwed the internet, where approximately 60% of one's traffic now is 'advertising' material, we the 'consumers' or products (if the service is 'free') have to contend with technologies to reduce that amount of unwanted/unnecessary advertising material that bombards our daily lives, and now we have to deal with this new 'fake news' like material.

The problem there is that this type of content will not be moderated, whereas conversely MANY people's posts are deleted if not in line with a political or medical agenda in play.

See the above 'content' within the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1jqj5B_4GA

Too bad, so sad, 'we' (the 'consumers') lose, again!

30 June 2024

Consumer Warning: Possible data compromise from Bunnings’ products

Corporations (and governments) or rather people in corporations and governments truly do not care about the safety of ‘your’ data, period.

The only negligible care factor involved is when a data breach occurs how much it’s going to cost the organisation.

UNTIL governments enact harsh fines and implications against individuals, NOTHING will change.

The Court Services Victoria 'hack' was as a result of the government's pathetic I.T. policies in conjunction with low quality meaning cheap labour.

And who paid the ultimate price for the incompetence, the people did, with 'their' data being exposed, and not those in government.

Was the so called Sheriff of Victoria, Ms. Julie Brown's personal data exposed?

Of course not.

There is no lawful appointment for her in office, as the Sheriff, but that is another topic altogether.

See post: 

Corporations sell all sorts of ‘junk’ electronics imported from China in order to make high profit, with zero or no consideration for the ‘connected’ aspect of those electronics meaning the safety of the user’s/consumer’s data.

Google one of the world’s largest breacher of copyright just recently mandated that developers on its platform write a thorough assessment of where the user’s data goes, without employing the same for Google’s users or rather ‘products’.

See link:

THE 'Privacy Policy' that exposes Google's corrupt business dealings

Bunnings have listed a quite expensive smart door lock, the 'Philips' EasyKey Bluetooth Mortice Handle Lock for just under $600.

Whether it's a true Philips product endorsed and/or supported by the global giant is another story, but when it comes to the product information from Bunnings, it seems that technical support is via SMS/WhatsApp alongside placing a call, online video, product URL and PDF download sounding like a great Chinese-English spiel.

What's most concerning though is the lock's companion app.

Granted that 'outsourcing' is the name of the game in today's world, but in this case the app does not seem to come from any official Philips source like, the Philips Hue products do, that being Signify Netherlands BV. but rather Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.

Will Bunnings guarantee the safety of your data?

Will 'Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd' disclose to you where your data goes?

Is Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd immune from prosecution outside of China?

China's industries, e.g. IT or automotive are huge copyright and intellectual property violators where the world's legal profession has stood silent on this huge multi-billion dollar rip-off, yet Hollywood will go after a 'pirate' that copied a DVD.

As always: "buyer beware"!

27 June 2024

Suing the State of Victoria in the Supreme Court

Avraham Yemeni v STATE OF VICTORIA

"I’ve taken the Australian state of Victoria to the Supreme Court — the highest court in the state.

Just over a week ago, I was reporting the news from a peaceful protest in Melbourne, the most locked-down city in the world. 

I had all of my permits and papers in order and I had even been inspected and approved by a roadside police checkpoint. (That’s how crazy Victoria is these days — lockdowns, curfews and police checkpoints.)

I was reporting on an anti-lockdown protest by citizens fed up with China-style infringements on their civil liberties.

I wasn’t there to protest — I was there to report, with my camera crew. We were standing with other journalists and I was clearly holding my Rebel News microphone.

Suddenly, a police commander walked up to me, jabbed me in the chest, and ordered his troops to arrest me. You’ve probably seen the video — I was picked up, smashed to the ground and arrested, and led away in handcuffs.

For no reason whatsoever.

I was later grudgingly released by police without charges. But incredibly, late that same night, police came to my family home to threaten me — to tell me I had been put on a “list”, and that police were watching me. This really is like China, isn’t it?

Well, today I’m fighting back. Not just for my own rights and safety, but for that of all Australians.

Today I’ve taken the state of Victoria to the Supreme Court — the highest court in the state. In a 9-page Statement of Claim, my civil liberties lawyers outline the illegal misconduct of the police. "

See document:


See also article of the following headline:

Has the Supreme Court of Victoria been validly established?

The Victorian Supreme Court was established in 1852 after the Colony of Victoria was officially created in 1851. Section 28 of "An Act for the better Government of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies" (the Australian' Constitutions Act)" initially provided for the establishment of the Supreme Court of Victoria:


XXVIII. And whereas under an Act of the Governor and Council of New South Wales passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Her Majesty, intituled An Act to provide for the more effectual Administration of Justice in New South Wales and its Dependencies, the Number of the Judges of the Supreme Court of New South Wales constituted under the said Act of the Ninth Year of King George the Fourth has been increased to Five, and One of such Judges is resident, and has such Power, Jurisdiction, and Authority within the District of Port Phillip, subject to such Appeal to the said Supreme Court as by the said Act of the Governor and Council of New South Wales is provided : Be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for Her Majesty, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to erect and appoint a Court of Judicature in the said Colony of Victoria, which shall be styled “The Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria ;” and such Court shall be holden by One or more Judge or Judges, and shall have such ministerial and other Officers as shall be necessary for the Administration of Justice in the said Court, and for the Execution of the Judgments, Decrees, Orders and Process thereof ; and all the Provisions of the said Act of the Ninth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, concerning the Appointment and Removal of Judges and Officers of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and for the appointing Persons to act in the Place and Stead of Judges being absent, resigning, dying, or becoming incapable to act, and concerning Appeals to Her Majesty in Council from Judgments, Decrees, Orders, or Sentences of such Court, shall apply to the said Supreme Court to be erected in the said Colony of Victoria, but so that the Powers of the Governor of New South Wales in relation to the Matters aforesaid shall be vested in the Governor of the Colony of Victoria ; and from such Time as shall be mentioned in such Letters Patent all the Authorities, Powers, and Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and of any Judge thereof, over or to be exercised within or in relation to the said Colony of Victoria, including all Admiralty Jurisdiction exercisable within the Limits thereof, shall cease to be had and exercised by such last-mentioned Supreme Court and Judge respectively, and shall thenceforth be vested in and exercisable by the Supreme Court erected by such Letters Patent ; provided that in the meantime the said Authorities, Powers, and Jurisdiction of the said Supreme Court of New South Wales and of the Judges thereof, within and in respect of the said Colony of Victoria shall remain as if this Act had not been passed, unless or until the same shall be varied by Act of the Governor and Council of the said Colony of Victoria.


HOWEVER, no such letters patent has ever been received in Victoria... THE 1855 Constitution for Victoria was also silent on the nature and scope of Judicial Power within the newly established Colony. It was not until the 1975 Victorian Constitution the power of the Supreme Court was consolidated into statute, but under what power?

See document: