30 January 2025

Government contract in a Territory in Australia

The Anglo-Masonic bureaucrats sure do know how to take care of themselves.

The folloing document, from a bygone era, is a 'Term of Engagement' with a Government authority, in a territory of Australia.

Pay particular attention to the Leave and Taxation paragraphs.

Fun fact: Australia has three territories on the mainland, where the other little known one is Jervis Bay.


26 January 2025

Can you record in court?

Happy Australia Day, but not for everyone.

The 26th of January is marked as Australia Day, you know, when the British 'pirates' arrived in an 'invasion' format (no prior treaty formed, like with New Zealand?), with ships full of criminals, where first and foremost Martial Law was installed on all 'persons' on the land, which lasted for 40 years until the enactment of the Australian Courts Act (UK) 1828.

That date, Friday the 25th of July 1828, is when the corrupt Anglo-Masonic legal system took a stranglehold on the inhabitants of this land.

When one enters a 'Kangaroo court of Australia', one may/will obtain (deliberately) false information by persons within the court either by spoken word or in writing.

In many Victorian courts, one may be greeted by a sign referring to the Court Security Act 1980 in particular Section 4A, with reference that recording is not allowed.

See reference:


Well, this is a deliberate lie from the Anglo-Masonic legal system.

Putting aside a Section 78B (of the Judiciary Act (1903)), as to whether or not the Act is lawfully in circulation, which it’s not, but that is beyond the scope of this article, what the legal system is deliberately keeping from you is another Victorian law, that being the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, specifically Section 15, paying special attention to (2)(e):

(2)     Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether—

(e)     in another medium chosen by him or her.

This is where a digital or analogue recording falls into this category, "another medium".

See reference:


In any event, the matter has been settled within then Supreme Court of Victoria, where at law ‘you’ ( or in legal terms: a ‘person’) can record all personal affairs in the place of business called a Victorian court.

Another exposé of corruption and deception.