A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecom's Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible.
It's not what you see, it's what goes on behind the scenes. Australia, the warrantless colony.
Note: Site has more info in desktop mode or 'web version' as seen at bottom of page, when on smartphone.
Australia's Prime Minister (CEO) Tony Abbott : "Australia is Open for Business"
Politics, finance and the mass media go hand in hand, as the individuals who run them are part of the elite that runs the world.
Staring in the face of evidence, without any benefit of doubt, companies blatantly lie, that they do not, for example, censor a particular topic, that covers exposing government lies, or that is unpopular with the governments concerned.
In this instance, Youtube, has a video posted by the sunshinepress, exposing the killings of people in Iraq. The video was originally submitted to Wikileaks.
In Youtube's search field, when one types the name of a video, the next best / popular option is suggested head of the person typing.
In the screenshot, after typing in Collateral Mu the letter r is totally omitted by the 'automated' search function, and instead the user is forced to choose: Collateral Music, who's video, at the time of posting, been viewed 48,971 times in 3 years, prompting a cause for concern that Wikileak's video Collateral Murder is deliberately excluded from the search engine, implicating that a call of censorship is against Wikileaks.
The world is considered a more corrupt place now than it was three years ago, a poll suggests.
Some 56% of people interviewed by Transparency International said their country had become more corrupt.
The organisation put Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq and India in the most corrupt category, followed by China, Russia and much of the Middle East.
Meanwhile, a BBC poll suggests that corruption is the world's most talked about problem.
About one in five of those polled by the BBC said they had discussed issues relating to corruption with others in the last month, making it the most talked about concern ahead of climate change, poverty, unemployment and rising food and energy costs.
In the Transparency International survey, political parties were regarded as the most corrupt institutions, and 50% of people believed their government was ineffective at tackling the problem.
One in four of those polled said they had paid a bribe in the past year - the police being the most common recipient.
Some 29% of bribes went to the police, 20% to registry and permit officials, and 14% to members of the judiciary.
Political parties have long been regarded as the most corrupt institutions - they topped the list in Transparency's 2004 barometer with 71%. In this year's report, 80% regarded them as corrupt.
Religious bodies experienced a sharp rise in people regarding them as corrupt - 28% in 2004 increased to 53% by 2010.
People from Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq and India were among those who perceived the highest levels of corruption in their daily lives.
At least half of the people surveyed in those countries reported paying a bribe in the past year.
While people from Cambodia (84%) and Liberia (89%) were the most likely to have to pay a bribe, the Danish reported 0% bribery.
Robin Hodess, Transparency's policy and research director, expressed particular concern at the figures on bribery.
"Unfortunately people's experience with bribery most often involves the police, and this is really worrying," she said.
"It's a figure that's grown in the past few years. It's nearly doubled, in fact, since 2006. Nearly one in three people who had contact with the police around the world had to pay a bribe."
By region, people in sub-Saharan Africa were the most likely to have paid a bribe (56%).
Bribe taking was least common in EU countries and North America (both 5%) - although these were the two regions seeing the biggest increase in concern about corruption.
Analysts blame this rising concern on the global financial crisis for undermining people's faith in government, banks and economic institutions.
The lobby group interviewed 90,000 people in 86 countries to compile its corruption barometer.
The opinion poll commissioned by the BBC sampled 13,000 people in 26 nations.
One question asked people to rate which issues they saw as most serious.
Corruption was ranked as the second most important topic behind poverty.
Respondents in Brazil, Egypt, Colombia, the Philippines and Kenya were especially likely to view corruption as a very serious issue.
In Europe, Italians were the most concerned about bribe taking.
Publication of the BBC poll coincides with anti-corruption day held by the United Nations.
bbc.co.uk 9 Dec 2010
Corruption is a rife in the West as it is in the East, in Capitalistic countries as it in the Communism, except that people's perception could the otherwise.
THE ALP has secretly recorded the personal details of tens of thousands of Victorians - including sensitive health and financial information - in a database being accessed by campaign workers ahead of this Saturday's state election.
In a rare insight into personal profiling by the major parties, The Age has gained access to the database used by the ALP to tailor its telephoning and door-knocking of individual voters in key marginal electorates.
The Coalition has a database capable of similar profiling of voters, but has refused to comment or to divulge any details.
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The Age investigation has revealed how Labor is building profiles of constituents based on its communications with MPs, attendance at rallies, membership of groups, letters to newspapers and through polling and surveys.
Staff in MPs' electorate offices are believed to be primarily responsible for collecting personal information dating back up to a decade.
The system allows searches based variously on people's names, addresses and their stances on issues such as gay rights and the environment. It also enables mapping of campaign street walks, giving candidates and volunteers access to profiles on many of the people they door-knock or phone - including their voting intentions.
It shows how Labor campaign workers have access to details of private lives of voters, including information people may have intended to share only with the offices of local MPs. Database entries seen by The Age include details of a family's concern about an East Malvern man's prostate cancer, a man's financial problems after he purchased a gaming agency, a Brighton family's complaint about superannuation payments, and details of a woman's victims of crime compensation claim.
The major parties have different versions of the software - Electrac for the ALP and Feedback for the Liberals - enabling the creation of detailed, cross-referenced files on constituents.
The software attracted controversy when it was introduced in the mid-2000s, with lawyers and academics expressing privacy concerns. Both parties have defended the databases, claiming they enhance the electoral and political process. But little has been known until now about how the software is used.
Voters on the Electrac database contacted by The Age all confirmed they had not given authority for details of their political activity or attitudes, or contact with their MP, to be filed.
Sam Waszaj, of Travancore, near Flemington, expressed dismay that his correspondence with a federal minister about Medicare funding for late abortions led to a database entry.
''The minister wrote back to me and said Labor was happy to hear my concerns. But they never said to me, 'Oh, by the way, we will store this on a big database','' Mr Waszaj said.
''This is what the KGB used to do. Who has access to this information? How will it be used in the future?''
Several voters in Northcote are listed in the ''hard green movement'' due to their membership of a climate change action group. Others are listed as having passed information to their MP about ''corruption in high security prisons''.
Records are kept in marginal seats on constituents' voting intentions, including the strength of their support for a party. Those rated as ''soft'' Liberal supporters, or ''at risk'' for Labor, are likely to be repeatedly canvassed.
Exposure of these records raises thorny questions for Labor about how the information was gathered and the appropriateness of it being made widely available in the party.
Some voters whose participation in ALP polling led to their views being stored on the database said pollsters had not identified their party connection.
Despite the objections of civil liberty campaigners, such activities are not illegal. Political parties and MPs are exempt from privacy laws that restrict record-keeping by others including government departments, the police and local councils.
Liberty Victoria president Michael Pearce, SC, said yesterday The Age revelations highlighted the inadequacies of privacy laws. ''If a state or federal department or a business with turnover of $3 million or more did that they would be in breach of either the state or federal privacy acts,'' he said.
Mr Pearce said it was troubling that personal information given in confidence was being used for political purposes.
Victoria's Privacy Commissioner, Helen Versey, said she had no jurisdiction over political parties because privacy laws only applied to the public sector. But she referred The Age to the Australian Law Reform Commission's August 2008 report, which examined the use of political databases.
The commission said it was not convinced that data collection by parties should be exempted from privacy laws. It recommended that parties should tell people what information would be held about them, give them the right to access and correct such information and to take steps to ''ensure the quality and security of the information''.
Sam Morrisson, of Clifton Hill, is recorded on the Labor database as having contacted the office of her local MP, Richard Wynne, in July 2008 over concerns about the working conditions of paramedics.
''I am surprised they kept that on a central system,'' she said. ''I don't see it as sinister, but it should be a matter of course that they would say, 'This is going down on a database'.''
Elizabeth Bodkin-Moore, also of Clifton Hill, said she should have been told that a record of her emails to her MP on environmental issues would go on the database. ''At one level, I am happy with it being recorded. But I think that it is appropriate that there is some indication that it will be put on file,'' she said. ''If this stuff is being put on long-term files, who knows what will happen to it in the future.''
The Greens candidate for Northcote, Anne Frances Martinelli, is recorded as having ''attended Chandler Hwy public meeting'' in October and having written letters to newspapers about environmental issues. ''A lot of people would feel uncomfortable that this sort of information is being held by a private organisation,'' she said.
Labor state secretary Nick Reece last night defended the use of the database. ''Like all political parties, the ALP phones people as part of election campaigning. It complies with all privacy laws and other tele-marketing regulations.''
Asked about party volunteers having access to highly personal information on voters, Mr Reece declined to comment.
Liberal state director Tony Nutt refused to comment when asked about the Coalition's database and its profiling of voters.
theage.com.au 23 Nov 2010
The way of the New World Order, to catalogue EVERYONE, under ANY pretext.
It is the sheer indifference of everyone that makes this a quicker reality.
New powers to the invasion of person / property are drafted in the name of terrorism / National Security.
In general, it is widely acknowledged, that the mass media is responsible for the shaping of today's society.
With such a narrow band of ownership, it is easily conceivable that flows and trends, opinions and the general mental well being of the working classes can be manipulated by the media owners to whatever political persuasion or agenda they follow.
This is not an environment for providing unbiased media reporting.
The Australian political arena vigorously claims that it supports competition, as it is in the best interest of the consumers.
Yet, at the same time the governing bodies are doing very little, very slowly to make this a reality, i.e its actions are quite the opposite.
Laws are passed immediately to nab speeding motorists in ever more ingenious ways, claiming it's to the benefit of the public, but laws concerning anti-competitive behaviour or fraud (which are ALSO to the benefit of the public - but detrimental to their business colleagues) , are deliberately slowed down in parliament.
Fraud and Anti-Competitive behaviour, is to the benefit of the local and global business community, who's members are cronies with the politicians, law makers, bankers, etc.
The general theme is that it MUST be mandatory to the detriment of the masses or canon fodder, as referred to by the ruling elite.
The role of the mass media is to keep the 'peasants' amused, with senseless news, using shock tactics on stories, and mindless entertainment.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can the mass media be used in incite knowledge, that will empower the masses.
It is irrespective of any of the individuals personal agenda for creating social networking sites, blogging stores, video 'tubes', in the end, their goal must unified, to DUMB DOWN the masses.
In the James Bond film, Tomorrow Never Dies, a Media Mogul Elliot Carver, uses his mass media empire to keep the plebs amused.
Meet the backyard boffin who developed his own computer program to turn the tables on the big power companies. After suspecting he was being ripped off he analyzed his own meter - and is claiming every bill they sent him was wrong.
You can download a free trial, or purchase the program for $99.95 at the website below -
However it is important to note that its results can not be used to claim a refund from your energy provider.
Here is another media article, that has a 'slight' inaccuracy.
The unnamed power company, has issued a FRAUDULENT BILL.
IF an individual claims a fraudulent amount i.e. produces a fraudulent receipt, and is found out criminal proceedings are taken against them.
IF an individual does not pay to a company, legal action can be taken, and a criminal proceedings, including jail are a real option.
The video also mentions that you as a consumer cannot make the electricity company pay you back for the difference of the fraudulent bill they sent you.
The legal system is deliberately set up to the detriment of general populous, with no repercussions against the companies involved.
This is deliberate consumer Rip off at its best.
The suggestion to change from the company, made by the presenter is nothing more than a farce.
The suggestion to take legal action would be more appropriate, but you cannot say that in the Australia's biased mass media.
The above titles is a play on words straight from a sketch from the comic genius of Benny Hill.
see : http://www.theonion.com/articles/british-government-releases-scandalous-benny-hill,848/
Unfortunately in the Real World, the implications of such a word is far from a belly laugh or even a slight chuckle.
In very short summary, Julian Assange is in British custody, after an incident that involved an alleged rape in Sweden to which legal proceeding began after he published leaked U.S. documents.
It is a well known fact within the political / financial arena that any act of insubordination is met with retaliation, that can also be an act of a character assassination.
An interview by corpau has shed light that some politicians are held to ransom, by information held on their families, will be made public, if they do not listen to the orders from members of their (masonic) lodge, or their workplace leaders to which they must adhere to the political agenda irrespective of their personal views.
It is not uncommon for new arrivals into Scientology to disclose their deepest and darkest secrets in confidence as part of a healing process, which are secretly recorded and used as blackmail at a later date.
Not distracting from any legitimate and heinous act of rape or the like, just like possession of narcotics, it can be quite easily forged. The onus is solely upon the defendant to prove otherwise, which irrespective of truth, can be judged in favour or against.
Many an analysis on Julian Assange has been written of late, and one can clearly deduce that he is of a greater than average intelligence level.
Dealing at such a high level of politics, it would be frivolous to dismiss that any act of retaliation would not occur, or even not difficult to predict that an allegation of such nature as has happened would surface.
The mass media circus of the dismissal of President Clinton from his workplace, was centered around a consensual sexual act that happened in the workplace.
How many 'affairs' happen in the workplace, and the people involved, their employment is NOT terminated.
The Victorian Premier Mr. Steve Bracks, resigned from politics after his son was behaving inappropriately.
On the plus side, the legal eagles have opened up a precedence across the entire European Union against alleged rapists to their expedient capture and bringing to justice in the respective country.
This should be the beginning of a new age to the end of the SEX TRADE of (also underage) Slavic teenagers between the East and the West, by the relevant mafias.
The United States of America will undoubtedly step up the prosecutions against these individuals or smuggling rings.......
unless of course they are financing the operations.
But that could be a whole new leak......
It is now easily obtainable knowledge that the Russian Revolution was financed by WALL STREET.
It is now also knowledge accessible to the canon fodder, that the Nazis were financed by the Bush family, Rockefellers as well as other prominent banks like Chase.
Not anywhere in the forbes list of billionaires does the name Rothschild appear.
What is the net worth of the Rothschilds: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread211313/pg1
History of the House of Rothschilds: http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild.htm
Why does the Rothschilds name NOT appear in the FORBES list of billionaires ??? !!! ???
In the mass media, it has been revealed that real estate agents fudge the figures in terms of sales.
In every state of Australia, realtors are required to lodge their sales figures to the respective state's authority (e.g. REIV - Real Estate Institute of Victoria).
The figures are then collated, and as a result all sorts of statistics are formed. Statistics include house pricing trends, and actual house prices.
The claim in the mass media is that for the previous month approximately the sale of 90 houses has been omitted from reports.
Barry Plant Real Estate Agents, have published a house price contrary to the wished of the owners, and at a price lower than what the owners have stated they wanted.
The instructions given to Barry Plant, were clear and concise.
Barry Plant has chosen to ignore the customers requests, instead publishing a price for the property it desired.
The occurrence of fraud in Australia, is a common as it is anywhere in the world.
Depending on the mass media's agenda not all crimes are reported.
THE federal Labor MP Craig Thomson's mobile phone records, driver's licence details and credit card vouchers with his signature show he used a Health Services Union credit card to pay for the services of a Sydney escort agency, the Supreme Court was told yesterday.
The court was hearing legal argument in a defamation case brought by Mr Thomson, the Labor member for Dobell, against Fairfax Media, publisher of the Herald. The paper last year published allegations concerning the use of a credit card issued by Mr Thomson's then employer, the Health Services Union.
Fairfax's barrister, Sandy Dawson, told the court credit card statements for $2475 and $385 in Mr Thomson's name showed two entries in the name of Keywed Pty Ltd Restaurant in Surry Hills, on April 9, 2005 and August 16, 2007. That company name was linked to the escort agency Sydney Outcalls, he said, and it was not unusual for adult services to make the entry on financial records ''look like a culinary experience rather than a more sensual one''.
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The credit card vouchers for the transactions were issued in Mr Thomson's name, were signed and noted a driver's licence number. According to subpoenaed RTA records, a licence with that number was issued to Mr Craig Robert Thomson of Bateau Bay. NSW drivers' photo licences can be used to verify a person's identification.
Mobile phone records for a number listed as Mr Thomson's on a 2006 union press release showed two calls to phone numbers associated with the escort agency, Mr Dawson told the court.
Around midnight on April 8, 2005 and on August 16, 2007 the records show a call to a number listed on the internet as belonging to the service. The records of August 15, 2007 also show calls placed in Bateau Bay in the morning as Mr Thomson had ''plainly come down the Pacific Highway down from Bateau Bay … to Sydney'', Mr Dawson said.
According to documents filed with the court, the calls were made to telephone numbers for ''Sydney Escorts - Room Service'' and ''Sydney Escort Connections'', both apparently associated with the Sydney Outcalls escort agency.
Mr Thomson has strongly denied using the credit card to pay for the services of an escort agency or other adult services. In court yesterday his barrister repeated his denials that he had signed the credit card vouchers or used ''the services in question''. ''These facts are hotly contested,'' Sue Chrysanthou said.
Mr Dawson alerted the court to the records, contained in an affidavit filed in court, when arguing Fairfax had properly sought an order for costs relating to dispute in the process of discovery for the defamation hearing.
Mr Dawson said Mr Thomson had supplied only an ''unverified list'' in which he listed no credit card documents for discovery.
But Mr Thomson's barrister responded by saying Fairfax had acted unreasonably and its original motion for discovery was ''ridiculous''. Ms Chrysanthou argued Fairfax was trying to ''bully and harass'' Mr Thomson and ''take advantage of their superior financial position and resources''.
''We never defended the motion … We just wanted the matter resolved, we just wanted the proceedings brought on,'' she said before Registrar Christopher Bradford, who reserved his decision on the application.
Mr Thomson is suing Fairfax over a series of articles dating from April 2009, claiming, according to his statement of claim, he has been defamed by suggestions he had been guilty of using his HSU credit card fraudulently and he had dishonestly used his employer's credit card to pay for the services of prostitutes.
Fairfax denies defamation and says the articles are true.
smh.com.au 7 Dec 2010
Another case of misuse of public monies.
If a member of the public defrauds the government, jail is a real alternative.
If a member of the government defrauds the public, rewards are given out.
JULIA Gillard has failed to name any Australian laws broken by the controversial WikiLeaks website or its founder Julian Assange.
Western governments have called for Mr Assange to be stopped as WikiLeaks continues to publish more than 250,000 confidential documents from the United States State Department.
But asked directly what Australian laws had been broken by either WikiLeaks or Mr Assange, an Australian, Ms Gillard said the Australian Federal Police were investigating.
“The foundation stone of it is an illegal act,” Ms Gillard told reporters in Canberra.
But the “foundation stone” was the leaking of the documents to the website, not the publishing of the cables.
“It would not happen, information would not be on WikiLeaks, if there had not been an illegal act undertaken,” Ms Gillard said.
Mr Assange's lawyers have said they are considering defamation action against Ms Gillard after she accused the whistleblower of “illegal” conduct over the leak of US documents.
However Jennifer Robinson, one of Mr Assange's legal team, this morning conceded that taking action against Ms Gillard for potentially defamatory comments was no longer a priority.
It is widely assumed the man responsible for the leaks is a US soldier who is already imprisoned for previous leaks.
“It's grossly irresponsible and anybody who looks at the pages of today's newspaper and sees that things like critical infrastructure lists are being put on WikiLeaks ... would understand how grossly irresponsible this is,” Ms Gillard said.
A classified cable listing infrastructure critical to the US was published by the site yesterday.
The list included some Australian-based infrastructure including the already widely known undersea telecommunications cable - the Southern Cross Cable.
Opposition legal affairs spokesman George Brandis accused Ms Gillard of being “clumsy” with her language on the issue of illegality.
“As far as I can see, he (Mr Assange) hasn't broken any Australian law,” he told Sky News.
“Nor does it appear he has broken any American laws.”
Senator Brandis, a Queen's Counsel, called for any debate about the publishing of the cables to have a well-defined understanding of the difference between something which appeared to be morally wrong and an act which was illegal.
“As far as I can see, nothing Mr Assange has done does break the law.”
theaustralian.com.au 7 Dec 2010
So as of the above mentioned date, from the Highest Australian authority, Mr. Julian Assange, the Prime Minister, together with consultation from Her (legal) advisers has given assurance that NO LAW has been broken.
Truly a remarkable step forward in legalities against Mr. Assange.
Consequently if Mr. Assange would return to Australia, he would be walking a free man.
Alarm bells should have been ringing for the staff of Vince & Eddie's Italian restaurant when news broke that Lady Gaga had bought the place. After all, here is a woman who regularly flaunts OH&S requirements by: disdaining to wear pants; whose experience in food preparation is dressing herself in meat to go to award ceremonies - not choice cuts, either. But perhaps most tellingly, she is someone who thinks people will want to eat food called ''GaGa's Bad Beef Burgers'' - and pay for it.
''That got a few laughs but she was dead serious,'' a source told Famous. Which, to be fair, might not have been immediately apparent to those present at GaGa's first staff meeting: she had turned up with a lobster on her head, NW claimed.
After telling all that their uniforms were to get edgier (read: smaller and less comfortable) and free concert tickets for staff were off the table, she closed the meeting with a burp.
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''She apologised, but it was still gross,'' a source said. Such are the unpleasant, surprises that await when someone famous for something decides they would be brilliant at something else, too.
Madonna is opening gyms, so you, too, can be like the woman with whom an encounter, as Guy Ritchie once put it, was like ''cuddling up to a piece of gristle'', reports Who.
And Lindsay Lohan thinks the best way to relaunch her career is to host her own talk show, especially since an Oprah-shaped void is just about to open up once the Australian tourist retires, NW says.
''She wants to start filming as soon as she's released from rehab in January,'' an iron-clad, unimpeachable but anonymous source told the mag.
But as Halle Berry well knows, you do not always get what you wish for. Famous reports the Oscar winner is unhappy her daughter, Nahla, is hanging around her ex's girlfriend Kim Kardashian, an entity usually described as a reality TV star, but apparently referred to (not inaccurately) by Berry as a ''party girl and publicity hound'' who is only famous because of a sex tape, but who now wants to try her hand at playing stepmum.
''Kim tells friends she's found her baby daddy,'' reports NW of the relationship with Gabriel Aubry.
As in setting up restaurants and relationships, so with all in life. It pays to know your limitations. Which is why Katy Perry does not wear one of her many on-stage lycra outfits to Starbucks. ''They have an expiration date and that's why I'm wearing them now, at 25,'' Who quoted her as saying.
smh.com.au 7 Dec 2010
Another Trailer Park Trash Entertainer, that has to 'shock' to entertain rather than on the merits of her voice / piano skills.
The politics is simple in that the mass media put this 'entertainer' on a pedestal, giving the air time she does NOT deserve.
Behaviour like this only degrades the minds of the impressionable youth of the canon fodder (goyim).
SYDNEY's bikie wars have migrated to the Eastern Suburbs, the home turf of the Bra Boys.
Police have linked six shootings and assaults with tit-for-tat attacks involving Comanchero and Notorious bikie members.
The attacks have increased since the public humiliation of two Comanchero, allegedly bashed by senior Notorious members at Bondi Beach on October 28.
Detectives now fear an all-out turf war and an escalation of public brawling, arson attacks and even drive-by shootings.
The latest incident between the gangs involved the fire-bombing of a smash repair shop at Blacktown on Friday night. But it was a bloody brawl between Bra Boys and a relative of a Comanchero bikie that has changed the complexion of the gang wars.
On November 20 a 19-year -old Bra Boy was allegedly involved in a fight with a 15-year-old. A witness said the fight was sparked after a group of Bra Boys attempted to cut off the teenager's rats tail as he left the beach after a swim about 3.30pm.
Following an altercation involving scissors, which allegedly left the teenager with a wound to his leg, the Bra Boy and the Comanchero bikie's cousin began fighting.
"The young kid trains at a Mixed Martial Arts gym and he was getting on top of the Bra Boy so that's when the other one got involved," the witness said.
The older Bra Boy allegedly got involved in the fight before realising the teen was related to a Maroubra-based Comanchero.
The 26-year-old bikie is in custody for his alleged role in the Bondi brawl but is likely to be bailed when he appears at Central Local Court today.
"They are a bit worried down at the beach that there could be some reprisals when he gets out. They had no idea who the kid was," a source said.
A police spokesman said they were called to Maroubra Beach about 6pm after receiving calls Bra Boys were "causing trouble".
"We had general duties, riot and dog squads attend but by the time we arrived at 6.11pm the crowd had dispersed and nobody wanted to make a statement," police said.
Sources said there is no feud between the Comanchero and the Bra Boys.
Acting Gangs Squad commander Chief Superintendent Wayne Hayes said they were tracking the activities of Notorious and Comanchero members.
"We don't know what is behind it but there has definitely been a huge escalation in the number of incidents involving these two groups," Supt Hayes said.
A burning 4WD dumped at the front door of a club in Oxford St three weeks ago and two shootings in Sydney's west last week have been linked to the war.
dailytelegraph.com.au 6 Dec 2010
It is a well known fact for those on the 'job' that the crime gangs are left to sort it out between themselves, even if it is at the risk of endangering the lives of the innocent public.
If a 'normal' person would be doing the same crime, then the police would not be doing general duties.
Police corruption in New South Wales and Victoria is well known. The criminal element has certain key members of the Police Force on it's payroll.
By 2030, climate change will indirectly cause nearly one million deaths a year and inflict 157 billion dollars in damage, according to estimates presented at UN talks.
The biggest misery will be heaped on more than 50 of the world's poorest countries, but the United States will pay the highest economic bill, it said.
"In less than 20 years, almost all countries in the world will realise high vulnerability to climate impact as the planet heats up," the report warned.
The study, compiled by a humanitarian research organisation and climate-vulnerable countries, assessed how 184 nations will be affected in four areas: health, weather disasters, the loss of human habitat through desertification and rising seas, and economic stress.
Those facing "acute" exposure are 54 poor or very poor countries, including India. They will suffer disproportionately to others, although they are least to blame for the man-made greenhouse gases that drive climate change, it said.
"Without corrective actions" a press release accompanying the study said, the world is "headed for nearly one million deaths every single year by 2030."
More than half of the 157 billion dollars in economic losses, calculated in terms of today's economy, will take place in industrialised countries, led by the United States, Japan and Germany.
But the cost to their GDP will proportionately be far lower than for poor countries.
The peer-reviewed report was issued by DARA, a Madrid-based NGO, and by the Climate Vulnerable Forum, a coalition of island nations and other countries that are most exposed to climate change.
Saleemul Huq, a researcher at a London-based thinktank, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), said the findings spelled out the need to start shoring up defenses against climate change now, rather than later.
"We are now entering into a highly vulnerable phase of our planet's existence and humanity's existence," Huq told a press conference.
"No amount of (greenhouse-gas) mitigation will prevent at least another 0.7 degree (Celsius, 1.26 degrees Fahrenheit) of temperature rise over the next two decades," he said.
"In the last century we have already seen a 0.7 degree (1.26 F) rise. So we are headed for 1.4 (2.5 F) almost certainly.
"If emissions carry on their current pathway then we may in the longer term be headed for three or four degrees (5.4-7.2 F), which is practically impossible for everybody to adapt to.
"But at the lower level, we can do a lot by adapting to the impacts of climate change, to prepare for them."
The November 29-December 10 talks in Cancun gather the 194 parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), tasked with crafting a deal to roll back global warming and its impacts after 2010.
Among the long list of problems they face is how to muster funds to tackle climate change -- and decide how much of the money should be allocated for adapting to the threat, and how much to reduce carbon emissions.
So far, adaptation has been given far less priority than emissions mitigation, say campaigners.
"When you know your car has a brake problem, you do not sit around and talk about it. You fix it immediately before the kids get in," commented Wendel Trio of Greenpeace.
"No one escapes from the climate crisis, old or young, rich or poor, unless we all act together now."
Previous studies into climate vulnerability have been more narrowly focussed and have a longer timeframe, looking at, for instance, the risks by 2100.
By focussing on what happens in a couple of decades, the report has a better chance of swaying policymakers, as these events are likely to happen within their lifetime, said former UNFCCC chief Michael Zammit Cutajar.
4 Dec 2010
So the masses must pay higher taxes, that ultimately go into fraudulent environmental schemes, as shown in Australia.
Companies advertising on the freeways/highways to 'Carbon off set your car' took monies from the public, and ran off with it.
Higher taxes will NOT under ANY circumstances solve the 'global warming' issue.
The UK's Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, has said that social media may well undermine the very basis of the rule of law in the UK.
Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, raised his concerns about the use of the internet by jurors in a lecture published this week.
In his opinion, rampant social networking amongst jurors and online sharing of confidential information is increasingly undermining jury trials.
Fair trials threatened?
England's top judge has said: "If the jury system is to survive as the system for a fair trial... the misuse of the internet by jurors must stop."
Lord Judge is the most senior judge in England and Wales. He claims Twitter and Facebook make it far too easy for campaigners to put pressure on jurors in a trial.
"We cannot accept that the use of the internet, or rather its misuse, should be acknowledged and treated as an ineradicable fact of life, or that a Nelsonian blind eye should be turned to it or the possibility that it is happening," said the Lord Chief Justice
He added: "We cannot stop people tweeting, but if jurors look at such material, the risks to the fairness of the trial will be very serious, and ultimately the openness of the trial process on which we all rely, would be damaged.
"If it is not addressed, the misuse of the internet represents a threat to the jury system which depends, and rightly depends, on evidence provided in court which the defendant can hear and if necessary challenge."
The Lord Chief Justice wants to see warnings that misuse of social networks by jurors could see them held in contempt of court.
The BBC's legal expert Clive Coleman, said: "This is the strongest and most detailed judicial consideration of the threat to the criminal justice system posed by jurors using modern technology.
"It raises major questions of how to police and stop internet use."
Doctors hate the internet. It lets patients check the accuracy of their diagnoses. It lets patients find out for themselves what the side effects of various drugs are. It lets patients research their symptoms before going to the doctor. In short, it empowers people and allows them to question the wisdom, or stupidity, of the advice they are given. The result is that doctors are frequently shown up as being very, very far from the all-knowing, up-to-date, diligent and infallible sources of treatment that they still think they are.
Lawyers hate the internet for the same reasons
Judges, too.
In fact, the major effect that the internet has had on "the professions" is to remove the veil of mystery and awe that they have built up around themselves, and it has left them exposed as little more than pushers of jargon-laced opinions, frequently with no factual basis that "because we've always done it like that".
If the internet allows jurors to find out FACTS for themslves - things that the prosecution or defence have failed to uncover, or sought to hide - then power to them. Maybe it's time that juries took a more active role: asking questions, presuming to doubt, probing and investigating for themselves rather than sitting passively and only being allowed to decide on the basis of what the establishment feels is all they need to be told. Juries used to be selected BECAUSE they had privileged, local knowledge (and even because they DID know the accused). Maybe we should take back some of that lost background and place it in the courtroom.
CARGO THEFT'S HIGH COST Thieves Stealing Billions Annually
Tailored suits, frozen shrimp, computer chips, toilet paper—the flotsam and jetsam of a nation of consumers—are delivered round-the-clock. Loaded on pallets and packed on trucks, planes, and trains, they are but a sample of the commerce pulsing through the country's arteries to nourish the world's largest economy. Unfortunately, if you can package it, crate it, and ship it, there is likely a criminal enterprise that wants to steal it.
Cargo theft is estimated to cost the U.S. $15-30 billion a year, though the true measure may be even higher, since some businesses are reluctant to report thefts out of concern for their reputations or their insurance premiums. Thieves' methods vary, but the outcome is generally the same—a load of merchandise leaves Point-A and never arrives at Point-B.
"Cargo theft is our number-one priority in Major Theft," says Unit Chief Eric B. Ives, who heads the Major Theft Unit in the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division. "There's never been a time when there's not enough work."
The issue is much broader than a criminal stealing a TV off a truck. In the past few years, investigations have revealed more and more sophisticated operations with well-organized hierarchies. The typical "criminal enterprise," as Ives describes it, has a leader who runs a regional or national operation. Beneath him are cells of thieves and brokers, or fences, who unload the stolen goods on the black market. "Lumpers" physically move the goods, along with drivers. And there's usually a specialist who is expert at foiling the anti-theft locks on truck trailers.
Cargo thieves heist whole truck loads of merchandise—the average freight on a trailer is valued between $12,000 and $3 million. The hotspots are where you might expect—truck yards, hubs for commercial freight carriers, and port cities.
To fight the problem, seven cargo theft task forces, made up of FBI agents and local law enforcement, operate in six cities: Memphis, Houston, Newark, New York, San Juan, and Miami, which has two. Investigations are aimed at toppling whole operations.
"While causing a disruption to the criminal operation is important, the ultimate goal of the FBI is to completely dismantle the criminal enterprise," Ives says.
Some undercover investigations may last more than a year and involve setting up front warehouses to fence stolen merchandise. Private industry support is critical in long term investigations. "They know that if we can reduce cargo theft by taking out the criminal enterprise it benefits them," Ives says.
In fact, private industry played a pivotal role in placing a long-sought provision in the USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act, signed into law in March. The provision requires the Department of Justice to add cargo theft to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) System by year's end. Cargo-related crimes that were once filed in the UCR as burglary, larceny, and robbery will have their own category. Once established, the data will paint a clearer picture of the extent of cargo theft—and help law enforcement agencies allocate their resources. The measure also increased prison terms for cargo theft convictions: three years for cargo valued under $1,000 and 15 years for cargo valued over $1,000.
In Victoria, in the mass media on Channel 7, one of the reporters mentioned that from the record breaking rains, the drought is over.
In Australia, since early 2010, the Eastern States, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania have received record rain falls.
In Queensland the mass media has reported that the dams are at 110% capacity. Similarly in Tasmania, there is an abundance of water.
In Victoria, over that past few months it has been constantly raining, so much so that some rainfall records have been broken from the past 35 years. It was not uncommon to have 15mm of rain in 2 hours and over night it consistently rained 25mm (approx 2 inches).
The government has just recently lifted a Stage 3 water restriction to a stage 2.
So why is Victoria still at a drought level Water Restriction?
Prior to the mid 1980's the building of dams was handled by the government. In accordance with the New World Order policies, all utilities MUST fall into the hands of private individuals, and consequently the water utility was sold off.
The commissioning of dams was halted, as the population began to increase. Together with a change in climate, of which the government is FULLY aware, as there are plans put in place for the 10 and 30 year floods, and an increase in population (approximately 30% over 25 years), has lead to a water shortage.
In order to justify an overinflated building of adesalination plant (to the cost of $5,000,000,000) to a population of approx 4 million, the government has deliberately lead the depletion of water or as known a
Government Sponsored Drought.
The government was fully aware of the upcoming drought but decided to take no action.
Previously, if individuals were to use water tanks, they would be fined, and in risk of imprisonment.
The government and its cronies have made a HUGE business from the water trade to the detriment of the general populous.
Currently water costs approximately 80 cents per 1000 litres supplied from the dams.
Once the desalination plant will be active water prices will triple, in a government sponsored move to impoverish the masses.
"Currently, the ACMA list of prohibited URLs that is notified to accredited filter providers does not contain any URLs within the Wikileaks website," said the ACMA.
"Since April 2010, the ACMA has investigated two complaints about specific pages of content on the Wikileaks website, which both resolved to content found to be not prohibited."
Wikileaks hit the front pages this month, with a new release of government documents that show the inside goings-on of diplomacy in the US.
In the dosuments our very own Prince Andrew is namechecked, as is the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King.
The Australian communications regulator has issued a stark warning that websites who link out to 'banned' hyperlinks are liable to fines of up to Aus $11,000 a day.
The news comes after web forum Whirlpool was threatened with the fine for posting a hyperlink to a blacklisted anti-abortion website
Wikileaks blacklisted
One of the newest additions to Australia's 'blacklisted hyperlinks' list is Wikileaks; the website that publishes anonymous submissions of sensitive info on everything from corporations, religion and governments.
The blacklisting of certain pages of the site has come about after Wikileaks posted a list of websites at the tail end of 2008 that comprised the 'secret internet censorship' list for Denmark. On this list were over 3,500 sites that were censored or banned in the country.
Disturbing picture
While Australia's list of blacklisted sites currently stands at 1,370, the Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that that list could increase to around 10,000 sites – most of which are of illegal pornographic content, but could also includes sites that house incendiary political discussions.
"The Government is embarking on a deeply unpopular and troubling experiment to fine-tune its ability to censor the internet," said communications spokesman Senator Scott Ludlam of Australian opposition party Greens.
"If you consider this kind of net censorship in the context of Australia's anti-terror laws, it paints a disturbing picture indeed."
On its website, Wikileaks, which leaked the news that the government had banned it for leaking information, simply said: "The first rule of censorship is that you cannot talk about censorship."
Currently, it is not illegal for internet users in Australia to click on the sites found on the web blacklist. The people targeted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) are webmasters linking out to the sites that the government have flagged up as inappropriate.
This could all change, however, if a mandatory internet filtering censorship scheme is implemented – something that is being debated at the moment.
By the same token, using the government censorship blacklist, the government has blacklisted ALL child porn sites, and any links anywhere to them, giving out fines of $11,000 per day, YES?
The real issue the is the flow of information.
The masses are NOT allowed to have access to uncensored raw information.
Information showing corruption of governments, exposing illegal killings, etc is NOT allowed to be view by the general populous.
They must be kept submissive by the censored mass media, and access to porn.
AN evil child killer is running a depraved sex ring from inside one of Victoria's jails.
Robert Arthur Selby Lowe, who is serving a life sentence for the abduction, rape and murder of six-year-old Sheree Beasley, has recruited a gang of villains to smuggle child porn into Ararat prison.
A prison whistleblower told the Herald Sun Lowe had access to a steady supply of child porn, which he accessed on prison computers via smuggled USB sticks and memory cards.
The source claims Lowe, aided by a notorious police shooter, is using a prison sex program run out of the prison's Children's Visit Centre to groom young prisoners to be paedophiles.
"He's been the chairman of these sessions," the prison source told the Herald Sun. "He's using the program to groom young, mentally ill inmates, and turning them into sick monsters like himself."
Sheree Beasley was riding her bike from local shops to her home in Rosebud on June 29, 1991, when Lowe lured her to a merciless death.
People Against Lenient Sentencing spokesman Steve Medcraft said Lowe should be immediately moved back to a tougher prison. "How you can have a child killer at Ararat is beyond me. They should be in a hardened cell at Port Phillip or Barwon," he said.
The S.H.A.R.E prison program - developed after repeated requests by inmates for a support program for gay prisoners - openly promotes sex between inmates, stating: "It's just jail sex, you're not gay (unless you kiss)". The depraved ring includes career rapists, including a man who raped a woman only moments after walking from court on sex offences.
"Most of these guys they're preying on shouldn't even be there, they're mentally ill," the source said. "These guys are taking them in, getting them in debt then moving them on to the USBs ... before long they've dumped their wives or girlfriends and are living with these sickos."
Corrections Victoria defended the program, explaining that it was "one of a number of programs aimed at supporting prisoners and assisting with their re-integration back into society".
The source, who now fears for his life, claims to have seen Lowe and other sex fiends watching child pornography on prison computers.
The contraband is allegedly smuggled into prison by visitors or picked up from secure locations while inmates are working outside prison walls.
Corrections Victoria said prison staff carried out regular searches of prisoners and their cells as well as regular audits of computer equipment used by prisoners to ensure they did not view contraband. It said prison staff supervised all program sessions.
heraldsun.com.au 6 Dec 2010
As stated in the article, the story made light due to a:
Corruption in the prison system is the norm. It is common practice, to offer bribes to guards in return for favours.
This is done in full knowledge of the government.
The government allowed access to child pornography by the prisoners.
With computer technology today, authorities can have access to any item on your PC in real time.
Within hours of publication of US War documents on Wikileaks, governments shut down access to the website.
The petrol companies claim that they do NOT inflate the price of fuel during the festive seasons, in this instance Christmas, and the government denies their is any problem, deliberately lying in the face of the general public.
Prior to the Aussie Dollar being at all time highs, the average price of (in this example) LPG was approx 55 cents per litre.
Now, with the Australian dollar being so high, the price of LPG should drop to around the high 40 cents per litre.
Caltex is once again gouging the Australian consumers to a price of 69.9 cents per litre.
The ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission), is again doing NOTHING, and NEVER will, with respect to this consumer price gouging.
The effects of globalisation are purely to the benefit of the industrialists as the implementation of slave labour has no boundaries, as previously experienced, prior to open markets.
The petrol-chemical companies have been exposed in price fixing, and again the 'punishment' is a slap on the wrists to the Anglo-Masonic boys club patrons.
After Wikileak's founder, Australian Julian Assange published the War Diary : Iraq War Logs, the United States of America, sent out a bulletin to the nations concerned to incarcerate Mr. Assange under ANY pretext.
Soon after in Sweden it was alleged that Mr. Assange was involved in a rape, to which he must be in custody to answer allegations.
Once in custody, the subject is in a controlled environment, and the subjects food could be tampered with drugs that can cause illness at a later point in time, that will have no trace left.
These drugs create cancers at a later date or heart attacks in the near future.
In the expose of the Collateral Murder tape of US helicopter gunship crew killing innocent journalists, children, and laughing about it, the international community has NOT looked into the allegations, nor has the United Nations done ANYTHING.
The actions of the nations concerned shows that they are nothing more than puppets of the 'American' Financiers.
Government's are increasingly showing that they are above any laws, NOT accountable to ANYONE, and any attempt at exposing their illegal actions results in action against the whistle-blowers.
Fraud committed in the political and financial circles is NOT dealt with accordingly, and it is the general populous that pays the price.
In many instances, Australia can be seen as being (deliberately?) retarded in certain areas, compared to the rest of the world.
This is not a matter of NOT having the technology or the know how, just part of a political agenda, which may not be entirely obvious at first glance.
After a recent trip, it was observed that in Europe after a certain time at night, when the vehicular traffic is low, traffic light flash orange / amber at intersections, meaning that cautious approach be undertaken and when safe to do so, proceed through the intersection.
At night, for example at 3am where NO traffic exists on the penal colonial roads of England, one is NOT allowed to turn, until the traffic light suggests one can, which can be after a quite considerable amount of time.
The government does not have a policy that alleviates traffic congestion, but rather creates it.
It is just another way of keeping the plebs occupied.
Contrary to popular belief, the standard now known as WiFi ( IEEE 802.11) was invented in Australia, by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).
The patent filed was a result of the group of scientists involved with wireless protocols as a means of communicating over distances.
CSIRO has now taken the large Blue Chip vendors to court over the patent, and at the time of writing this post have settled for an approx total of $250,000,000.
On the radar, is anyone who uses WiFi, with the target of the CSIRO being that of approx over $1,000,000,000.
Crocodile Dundee star Paul Hogan is preparing to sue his former financial adviser and is demanding an apology from the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) after it abandoned a five-year investigation into his taxes.
An angry Hoges told News Limited newspapers that after initially celebrating when the ACC dropped its case, he now wants his day in court to clear his name and recoup $10 million he says he spent defending himself.
"I wanted to be exonerated because I didn't do anything wrong and that's hard for people to believe because where there is smoke, there is fire," Hogan said.
"I have been publicly branded a criminal, a fraud, a money launderer and tax evader - I became Mr Tax Evasion."
Hogan said job offers had dried up where before he would receive lots of invitations every month for well-paying advertising work.
"Now that's been destroyed, no one calls me and I haven't spoken to my agent in months," he said.
"For five years people have been scared to deal with me for fear of being brought into the inquiry."
While the ACC is no longer on Hogan's back, the Australian Tax Office (ATO) continues looking into his tax affairs.
"It's not over ... unless they apologise, until they say `we are sorry'," Hogan said.
He said he would be suing his former adviser, John Gibb, who testified against him last year.
"If I had known that the ACC and ATO were relying so heavily on an ex-adviser who I fired 20 years ago, I could have provided them with a bit of background," he said.
5 Dec 2010
The Australian Government went on a deliberate witch hunt (consequently getting it wrong) against Hogan.
Paul Hogan was then labeled a Tax Cheat.
As a result of these FALSE accusations, defamation has occurred, and consequently his ability to earn a living.
Mr. Hogan is entitled to sue for defamation, and consequential damages as a result of the DELIBERATELY false accusations.
The Hollywood financiers have indicated many times, that they are the one that make you.
The Hollywood financiers have influence over governments, e.g. The PirateBay in Sweden.
The money you have is given to you by us, and as a result we can take it away from you, usually in expensive law suites.
In order to 'make it' Paul Hogan had to leave his wife and marry within the clan.
A woman has been dubbed "completely irresponsible" after making an emergency call to police to report the theft of her snowman.
In a recording of her phone call, the woman, from Chatham in southeast England, is heard telling an operator that the theft required police involvement because she used coins for eyes and teaspoons for arms.
"I haven't been out to check on him for five hours but I went outside for a fag (cigarette) and he's gone," the woman is heard saying.
"It ain't a nice road but you don't expect someone to nick your snowman." The call was made at the same time as emergency operators fielded thousands of other calls about the heavy snow storms and freezing temperatures afflicting the country.
The operator at first seemed to think the woman was reporting a missing person and the caller had to explain that she was talking about a snowman.
"I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about, he'd be safe," she said. When the operator asked if it was some kind of ornament that had been stolen, the woman said: "No, a snowman made of snow, I made him myself."
The operator then said she should not be phoning an emergency line for such a trivial thing. "It was completely irresponsible," Kent chief inspector Simon Black told the BBC.
"This call could have cost someone's life if there was a genuine emergency and they couldn't get through.
ninemsn.com.au 4 Dec 2010
A clear indication that some people are such a burden on society, that maybe they should not have been born.