26 October 2009

Hollywood studios to ban stars using Twitter during productions

Cameron won't be tweeting about the next Shrek (Getty)

Executives for some of the American film industry's biggest studios are allegedly preparing to draft Twitter and Facebook clauses into the contracts of Tweet-happy Hollywood A-listers.

In a pre-emptive attempt to curb social media leaks from some of Hollywood's biggest stars and studio creatives, film executives and their legal advisors have begun tailoring confidentiality clauses to include Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media.

Speculation that contracts were being altered to include potential breaches of confidentiality via social networking sites increased when The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Disney had inserted just such a clause into its new talent contracts, specifying that confidentiality extended to "interactive media such as Facebook, Twitter, or any other interactive social network or personal blog."

"This is just the beginning,” a top talent lawyer told The Hollywood Reporter.

"Hollywood has a long history of controlling what talent says in the media. This is just a new area of media that hasn’t been controlled yet."

Until recently, it had been assumed that existing confidentiality agreements were expansive enough to include social media, but recent Twitter incidents involving actors, sportspeople and TV personalities have been enough to prompt entertainment lawyers into singling out social media platforms.


As mentioned in Eminiems song "We're the ones that made you"

You are a NOBODY. It's Hollywood that markets you to the masses, IRRESPECTIVE of your 'talent'.

If you are part of the 'club' then you have the million dollar salaries.

It's not only Hollywood that is unable to control what people write.

Governments also have little control over what people write, and 'free' speech is myth.

The control is exercised via the mass media which dos not post comments which it regards as 'dangerous'.

ps. Who really cares 'bout an actor posting about a movie.. Obviously people with no lives do.

The comments were sent to ninemsn. Lets see if they post them.


Update: Channel 9 has NOT published the above comment on the story.

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