22 February 2011

NZ Earthquake - Media misinformation

In a radio interview on the Melbourne ratio station NOVA FM at approximately 16:20. the shows hosts were speaking to a New Zealander with respect to the latest 'quake to hit there.

During the interview the resident 'Nev' expressed much frustration with regards to the mass media reporting technique with regards to the last earthquake.

He mentioned that it was portrayed as a much worse event than it actually was.

These are the words coming straight from an eye witness from the scene an NOT someone part of an agenda.

An agenda that could be more of a reality than myth is from the government profiteering from the relief funds given.

The political agenda in Australia is very clear to make as much money as possible from the flood relief, and the following of Tropical cyclone Yasi.

In the Australian disaster, the government is pushing for a $1.8 billion levy to tax the people, for inadequate insurance taken out by the Queensland State.

Another financial fraud at the expense of the general public.

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