29 June 2015

What is the first job of a government?

On the Australian television program Q and A, which is broadcast on the ABC's (Australian Broadcasting Commission's) channel, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bronwyn Bishop, stated on national television (12m:17s into the program) that:

" The first job of a government is to look after the safety of its people".


If you substitute the words "a government" for a company's name e.g. 'Hanky Panky Cleaning Services', then it should be clear that the first job of that 'company' is to look after its (own) people.

Therefore there should be no misconception, that the first job of a government is to look after the safety of... its employees, that being the Executive; Governor Generals, the Parliament; MPs, lawmakers, the Judiciary; Courts, police, as the people/general population/serfs/plebs are NOT part of the 'government'.

How many actions do you know that have been done by the 'government' (corporation conglomerate) that have NOT been for the safety of its people?

See reference:

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