What is not mentioned about the free settlers (non convict origin) is that one was a member of the Freemasons lodge. Part of the Masonic protocol, is to provide for 'charities', as part of the deal belonging to 'rotary' clubs. These clubs are usually run by the 'foot soldiers' and politics at that level is kept out of the spotlight for the members.
Gambling machines are networked and ARE RIGGED to perform at a profit to the premises. This is common knowledge to the 'elite' (control room) operators.
If large sums of money are 'given' to the wrong person, then an 'error' is blamed. This is generally kept out of the media spotlight, but a few individuals have made it a point to make their case heard.
Tattslotto in its earlier incarnation was a 6 from 40 numbers game.
Since the masses were able to guess the numbers easier, the monies earned was getting less and less for the Adams family. It was then decided to make it hard for the Joe Average to obtain winnings and decrease the odds of winning by taking 6 numbers from 45.
In the earlier days there was 'government' supervision as three officials were present at each of draws. This is NOT the case in modern tattslotto.
At any point in time the pool of monies at Tattersalls is in the tens/hundereds of millions of dollars in which it is also traded at the overnight stock markets which earns HIGH profit for the company.
The CEO of Tattersalls made fraudulent transactions, which made news in the mass media.
Victorians gamble approx. $4,000,000,000 per year.
corpau 18:20 30 Jun 2009
I have a couple of beefs with the Tattslotto draws: One is that I have been taking (religously) the same pick 5 for close on 40 years - and, so far - no joy! And secondly - the 'puffer barrels' produce far too many consecutive combinations, and that to me is proof that they're not producing a fair, random draw. The mixing time (between balls) is way too short - presumably controlled by the miniscule TV coverage. These draws are life changing for most of the fortunate big winners. And I have stressed my concerns on many ocassions to Tattersalls. But, alas, there's never been any positive reponses
Even tonights draw has 3 consecutives and in close proximity.
Regards Don Thompson
Hi check the above link .. the truth about australian lottery. Apparantly they use different barrels for same
draw eg they have 2 or 3 different
barrels for saturday night and
randomly alternate the barrels for the saturday night draw.
Tattslotto is also done by computers these days, that automatically reduces punter's chances of winning, with probability mathematic formulas, to maximise their profit returns.
I think the fact that Tattslotto is now offering double prize money for days like Wednesday, is an indication that less punters are playing Tatts these days, except a few old timers(like pensioners etc). The younger generation(especially the Y generation) have woken up to the fact the Tattersalls operations like the Pokie Machines & rigged computerised Lotto is fraudulent!They no longer publish winner's names, so you & I could run a phoney Lotto scam company & claim that 'a man from Boronia won $1Million' etc. I wonder how much 'kickback' the Newsagents get from Tattersalls for publishing 'false' Division 1 winners? The younger genrations(including many Baby Boomers) now play Sports Betting & Pub Poker. Try Texas Hold 'em Poker & Blackjack, Tattslotto forget it! It was good in the past when the Government kept tabs on it(like in the 1960's), but today(after de-regulation by Kennett & Keating), it's another 'sucker's game'.
The mug punter today has no chance with Tattslotto's computers!
I think that George guy has been a crook from day one and now he has computers to rob people
I spoke with a tatts official recently who informed me the balls (for all the games) are weighed bi-annually...yes twice a year. This is a joke and woefully inadequate. Unlike horse racing where both the horses and jockeys are scrutinised before and after every race (the jockeys with correct weight check post race and horse urine tested), these balls are being used for months on end with zero check and balances being applied to authenticate that there is no ball tapering occurring. As long as 'right' balls are used for the 6 monthly weigh god only knows what is being used in every other draw. The person from tatts gave the excuse that it takes up to 5 minutes to weigh each ball and hence would take some 40 x 5 =200 minutes which is absolute bullshit. A bank teller can weigh thousands of dollars in cash in just a few seconds so to suggest that it takes 5 minutes to put a plastic ball on an electronic scale and get a reading is nothing short of a lie. Just look at the recent oz lotto results where number 2 has show up in some 6 games in a row or that frequently different lotto games produce similar results. It is all rigged. In time I am sure the lid will be blown just like we have seen recently with greyhound racing.
Recently I've noticed something very interesting between ozlotto & tattslotto, we all know
that in tattslotto game one needs to get 6 numbers to win division_1 jackpot rigth? in ozlotto
one needs to guess 7 numbers to win division_1 jackpot right, either way its very difficult
to guess 6 numbers, on average there are only 3 people who guess 6 numbers each week in tattslotto as per "official results", but in ozlotto guessing 6 numbers only wins you division_3 prize which is not so great, however when you check the "official results" there are on average 60 people who guess 6 numbers each week in ozlotto winning them division_3 prize only, so my point being that is, its difficult to win the division_1 jackpot with 6 numbers in tattslotto, but why are so many more people guessing 6 numbers in ozlotto and only winning division_3, something very odd or rigged......
If you consider WA has had 50 division one winners so far this year it equates to two per week. We are only halfway through the year. Incredible considering the population size is only 1.mil people and only 2 thirds are old enough to buy tickets. The normal distribution curve is definitely skewed towards WA considering Australia has a population size of 20 plus million, with the majority living in the eastern states. Once again roughly 2 thirds are of an age where they can buy tickets. If the chances of winning powerball are one in 80 million then the chances of winning the correct numbers in one state only is ridiculously low, not to mention multiple times. The mathematics simply does not stack up,unless there is some type of intervention at play. In approx 2013 WA had 54 division one winners and yet again there is, so far 50 winners in 2015, coincidence? Or is there some skull duggery going on? If you believe in mathematics then you could easily conclude the system is rigged, if you believe in mathemajics then you will believe the deception that the game is of equal odds for everyone. You be the judge!
I know this Greek-Aussie guy called Bill, who runs a Fish N' Chip shop (near Caulfield), near my mother's place for many years. He and his father played "tattslotto" for many years (newsagency was very close to their fishmonger's shop) and Bill reckoned they now & then only won the odd $50 prize, other than that , hardly won at all and gave the game away all together. I spoke to Bill about this and agreed that "tattslotto" no longer pays out and also goes through a sophisticated computer system that ensures no mug punters have "buckley's chance" of ever getting a good hit! At the moment I'm trying the "cat's Lotto", but still haven't won anything. I only ever recall winning once at the Elsternwick newsagency (a grand sum of $25), I had a better win at the nearby Gardenvale TOTE on the dog races, a $45 hit, I was escatic with that one!
Mr Unknown on June 20 does have a point even though his question on irregular winners between lotto and oz lotto has a simple answer. That is because oz lotto does have an additional number selected. Expanding on this theory is this. Lotto division 1 requires 6 numbers out of 45 which on average produces multiple winners on their very big draws . The last mega draw of 22 million produced 22 winners. Comparing this to Powerball where division 2 requires 6 numbers out of 40 and on average there are about 8 winners really asks the question, Isn't it harder to choose 6 numbers out of 45 than 6 out of 40 well not according to these facts which really asks a question on the integrity of the whole lottery system
A wise word to all dreaming that the lottery will change their life, or if i keep the same numbers they will eventually drop, or i have nothing to lose i will enter a few more tickets, or there is always someone winning it may be me. Well just stay away from a computer generated system that will cyphon all your money and leave you in a whole lot of misery. The lottery is designed to generate income for the people that just do not give a hoot about anyones well being it is too mysterious about who and how much is won, if you do manage to win first prize in a 20 million draw how on earth do you know if there has been another 20 winners or do you just beleive the very honest figures!!! . JUST STAY AWAY FROM THIS MEGA FRAUDULENT SYSTEM
I calculated the lottery from the day one to now how many times played more than million times if true people winners. In Australia 20 millions of people that should be a 20% from the Australian winners but we are in 2015 and we know how everything run
This is true i worked in sensitive freight picking these machines up theres always 2 machines.
Australian Tatts needs to have a Government investigation into Lotto Draws Procedures, I mean Millions upon millions of dollars can make certain people, in high positions, get a little greedy.
I have personally watched, the many world lotto draws that have been busted, by accident, inadvertently showing the numbers on the TV screen before the numbers have even come out of the machine and the U.S Powerball footage is definitely the most incriminating footage that i have ever seen.
So, you have to ask yourself,Are we too getting taken for a ride and millions and millions of dollars, of our money spent on a possibly unreachable dream that millions of us poor Bloody citizens need and hope for.
You know I have never known or heard of a mate or a mates mate that won Lotto and I have been a a lotto player for over twenty five years and no win over $100, My dream is fading and my realization is getting clearer, I could be giving my money to a certain,already chosen person, by who knows who, to be a Grand Lotto winner.
Tatts needs to be investigated before over half of Australians population is sold a lie and a unreachable dream.
Like everyone else I just want to be sure that we are in something that is real and the Great Dream of millions of Aussies can actually be.
Very skeptical of the authenticiy. The frequent appearance of running numbers - 3 even 4 in far too many draws. Being a constant observer since day one - am completely fed up.
Becoming more than an occasional draw - that's producing running numbers sequences. How ridiculous can it become - before an autonomous, independant, investigative, probe takes place?
The amount of lotteries running weekly now has become ridiculous. Can someone in an authoritive role please step in and first, rule out any manipulation within the lotteries, explain why they have introduced a computer generated system and what quality control is implemented. Please alleviate a lot of public scepticism that this money generating system is rigged. A lot of embarrassing draws seems to suggest that lotteries are untrustworthy.
finally here is the proof that OZ lotto is rigged:
just watch last week Oz draw: Oz Lotto Tue 04/Jul/17, Draw 1220 from official site:
you can see after number 18 in barrel is 34 even the guy is talking says 34 but in close up some one dropps35 and when he repeat the numbers he says 35 this time.
you can use this program: STOIK Smart Resizer to zoom and see for your self that 34 comes out of barrel not 35.but close up is some where else that some one drops the ball with hand.
I know it is virtually impossible to predict the winning numbers even using the laws of probability, however it can be "fun" to try. A few years ago I contacted tattslotto (Golden Lotteries or whatever) and obtained all the information I needed on Ozlotto: there were two barrels, used on alternate draws, each one with it's own set of balls etc.; the date each barrel started its very first draw. A couple of years later, with a change of house and a change of computers, I mislaid the info so I emailed them again. This time one of the higher honchos got back to me to tell me that I was not entitled to such info. If it's not rigged, and if it is impossible to work out, why should that info be so secret? It should be public under freedom of information.
On the ride and unfortunately, strapped in. Same set of (5) numbers for 30 plus yes. Imagine ceasing - and they popped up!
Well i finally bit the bullet on this lotto crap there's no doubt in my mind that it's just a big dream for suckers...here's the thing it's a psychological trap of if i don't play my numbers they might come up..trust me they won't and they know it, but like myself for a long time i had a fear of that if i don't play my numbers they will magically come up and if they did doesn't that just prove it more that it's rigged, this is the first time in 2 plus years I've decided to not waste my time or money, times are hard and i just can't keep believing in a lost cause that makes a big corporate company rich and me poor, i haven't won a bean in over 6 months and ever since it changed it's name to The Lott i hardly ever win now and when i did it was just a pissy Div 6 that only went on the next ticket which may i add is just another ploy they know you'll just end up doing..i.e you win they just get it back anyway and you lose next week and so on.
All these so called winners are always anonymous an another ploy they pray on knowing that if you did win..of course you wouldn't tell the world, hence the ol couple from some sleepy town cleaning up 1st division which no one there knows who it was when in fact people in small towns know everything about everyone's business etc, I've known of this twice already and trust me these towns would know when you farted and how loud and at what time with a smell rating!
Another thing i smelt a rat on is the current advertising by The Lott..the women buying back dad's old ford escort and now the Billions they claim they've giving to charity, it's all such bullshit and it's a sign people are just giving up on this croc of shit and The Lott know it hence this propaganda advertising machine to keep the dream alive cos sales are dropping and people are wising up to this pointless money grabbing scam, the day will come when hard evidence will unearth this unfair psychological trap designed to entrap the punter into never giving up just incase those lucky numbers just might come up and trust me it never will and if it does it'll be only because you didn't put on a ticket..their way of saying hey why did you stop playing, we all know it's just another mindgame to keep you believing in a total scam that's legalized.
Update! so i didn't put on a ticket lastnite for the first time in 2 odd years and haven't won anything since the 22nd of june but i checked my numbers anyway to see if the eagle had shit and bloody hell i could of won $10.80..it makes you think doesn't it.
Thanks Gary i needed reminding. Problem is if i stop, then see my system 7 numbers come up i'll shriek for a long time... Failing memory an all i wish i could forget those numbers firmly embedded in my mind. But yes thats the scam. Cheers!
Yes indeed we must not forget that guy that won a work syndicate about a year or so ago and screwed all his work mates over, but in all essence i just got sick of not winning anything, i sat down the other night and added up the cost of playing every Saturday night for 2 years and it was about $2500 with a prize total of about $300, i just don't think it's worth it, I'm better off putting my money into invention and money making ideas, in my view a sure winning policy is working hard and earning good money.
Ideally I would give the the flick - but, having taken the same 5 numbers for 35 years - I know the fkers will drop.
I personally believe that it is truly rigged, think about it, I've never known anyone that has won the big one and nor has anyone that i know knows of anyone, i believe that jackpot winners are just made up by tatts and they get away with it easy due to the fact that nearly 100% of so called winners are anonymous so tatts play on that fact, not only do they make millions each week from desperate punters they also clean up the winnings, it's a win win ca$h cow for them and in my view the biggest legalized money scam in history.
Too much at stake for the lid to be blown off.
Try and imagine the consequences
Mind boggling, yeah?
A government investigation is like; sending a pack of dogs to investigate a break in at a butcher shop
I used to take my elderly mother once a month to the pokies with $20 each. We would spend around 4 hours and either break even or have even won $1700 but average around 100 each. In the past 2 and half years we neither have come away with a ted razoo and i have even spent upto $200. Gave them up not even free spins give u more than a couple of dillars which is what u would wait 4 in the past to get a decent prize. Ur lucky to even get free spins at all. Weve given up on our little bit of fun. As im an invalid and my mum frail it was our only bit of fun. Thanks alot u greedy bastards! Money isnt everything. U mught end up ill but u will get old too one day! U cant take it with u. i also discovered today that when i sent my husband to be collectmy winnings from my collection of tickets ive discovered that he has ripped me off . I had an unregistered ticket and a number of other recent tickets with prizes which clearly added upto alot more than the amount of money he brought home. Ii just want to cry bcos my stupid husband left the tickets with the man.who.didnt even produce a receipt. So i cant even complain. I know there was more than 250 dollars maybe 300 but he gave my husband 60 dollars
On a lighter note This pomme fella thats me goes into pharmacy bewt blonde Yes sir what can i get yer urm have yer got viagra luv Yes sir sure well then can i get it OTC Yer can if yer take 4 keep smiling every one
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