25 July 2019

NBN contractors destroying property

NBN's acronym should be National Butchering Network with relation to the entire dodgy business that the Australian tax slaves have payed dearly for, that is already outdated before it's finished.

In the usual business practice of denouncing liability, the rock apes that dig up the ground are 'contractors' where no onus falls on the NBN Co, should any issues occur, you know like the apartment 'scandal' that has hit residents.

Just say you are a house proud home 'owner' (well, no person is technically a property owner in this colony) about to get conned into an inferior product called the NBN, get ready for a surprise, where if any excavation is required for the install, the Neanderthals will not put it back the way they found it (in this case being the driveway), where they will patch it up with an eyesore of volcanic hot tar.

There goes the value of your home thanks to these assclowns.

Who you gonna sue ??? !!! ???

Be vigilant serfs, don't let them devalue your investment.

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