11 February 2020

Tracking tech blocked in Germany, your call Australia

In this day and age of internet connected appliances, so called privacy has been thrown out the window, where many of these devices haemorrhage your private, personal or confidential information. 

In the colony we call Australia, governments (state and federal) are very slow to enact law to protect their tax slave population in this digital world, where conversely they expedite law that punishes or generates revenue from fines and alike.

A new wave of data collection devices have hit the shores of this colony called wearables in this case smart watches and fitness bands, where they bleed data all over the place and one does not have to be tech savvy to mop it up.

Germany has recognised the threat this poses to its children, where as a result their sale has an outright ban.

Not so in this colony.

When a court orders the release of a child into the hands of a paedophile, or a paedophile is released into the community next to a primary school, what hope do the children (of corporate fodder) have of the law of ‘protecting’ them against online predators?

The actions and policies of the colonialists in office on this land are deliberately ‘behind the eight ball’ on a global scale, much to the detriment of the inhabitants.

Read more details:

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