12 June 2021

Do NOT use Facebook’s up and coming smartwatch!

The message is very simple without going into reams of data, where if you truly value your privacy and that of those around you, do not use Zuck’s new up and coming smartwatch.

Mark Zuckerberg cannot be trusted, as shown in his legal matters.

Facebook cannot be trusted, with your 'private' or personal data.

When you signed up to Facebook, did the corporation inform you in their terms and conditions that your data will be going to Cambridge Analytica?

In the terms and conditions were you informed that Palantir was involved in your data collection?

If you will use Zuck’s smartwatch, since it will have two cameras, to better spy on you, where he will have unfettered access to your private and personal surroundings, whenever he or persons in his company desire.

He will also have access to your biometric data, i.e. heart rate.

No doubt many people will purchase this new spy device.

Will these people inform others that their face/voice will be on Zuck’s database?

DON’T get ‘Zucked’!

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