07 October 2021

What data Windows 10 sends to Microsoft and how to stop it

As time goes on multinationals obtain more and more information from your data generating devices.

The largest user data collectors are the likes of  Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft.

In the world of personal computers, Microsoft's Windows operating system is by far the most popular.

Microsoft needs you to update your personal computer's Windows operating system, as with each newer version of Windows comes more data collection baked into the operating system and so called 'updates'.

Here are many settings that Microsoft turns on by default that you cannot change as a normal user which may not be beneficial to your privacy.

In the screen captures below all those settings have been turned off.

The program that makes the above possible is available from https:/wpd.app

Another privacy oriented product is O&O ShutUP 10++ from https://www.oo-software.com

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