16 January 2022

Djokovic: Australians DISTRACTED with 'wrong' court documents

While the Danish 'papers' have admitted to screwing over the people with the wrong focus on misleading information from the government and not being assertive enough, there's no such luck in the colony called Australia.

So called 'journalism' is dead, where all the publications are 'people's' papers meaning sponsored by the government to spew out government sanctioned propaganda. 

How did this journalism die?

By the federal government pissing in the pockets of the publishers, in the form for tax breaks. 

That's right, Australian's tax dollars are used to lie to them, BRILLIANT! Who would have thought.

The media will allegedly go to great lengths to show you 'leaked' or even court documents on the colony's fiasco with the tennis star.

That's a distraction.

What's MORE important is this bordello called internal affairs.

Australia's CEO #ScottyFromMarketing dictates from the podium of not the Hillsong cult, but rather the unlawfully created office called the National Cabinet.

You're not even getting legitimate/lawful instructions with regards to this global event.

Scotty's 'blah blah blahs' from National Cabinet are about as lawful as him chiming to you what to do from the pulpit of his cult.

So why doesn't the mainstream media report this?

Remember when we used to have 'court reporter' telling us of the important cases?

Now what's important is some useless slapper's or rather 'influencer's' tiny bikini pics.

Why doesn't Australia largest media organisation the ABC report this?

After all, it did report about a Bill to keep National Cabinet a secret didn't it?

So why doesn't it follow that story up with the fact that National Cabinet is not legitimate?

The ABC was informed on social media of this fact and said nothing, oh except for that the comments are now closed because the 'moderator resource' is not available.

What a pathetic cop out!

The Australian people are being conned, misled, subdued and stupefied by the mainstream media, with full support of the colonial government.

Well that's what you get for not living in a 'real' country, e.g. Denmark.



See court document (Patrick v Prime Minister): A pretended National Cabinet:


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