03 May 2022

Tracked by AirTag? Android users can also know

How to know if you're being tracked with Apple's AirTag, even if you haven't got an iPhone.

People have been using Apple's AirTag, (designed as a 'key' finder) for the illegal activity of stalking.

It can be attached in a clandestine manner to the victims belongings, eg. inside a purse, raincoat or to a vehicle in order to track that person.

Since this useage for nefarious purposes Apple has rolled out a software patch for their iPhone devices that will warn users of an attached AirTag.

Since victims may not have an iPhone, those people have been left out, until someone decided to make an app for Android users.

The app is called AirGuard, by Niklas Bittner and is available on the open source Android app store called F-droid within the following link:


When this invention hit the 'consumer' market Apple stated its was safe and checked all the boxes with regards to privacy.

The problem there is Apple LIED!

This device can also be used to track you in other ways.

See further information with the video:

Action like this by corporations, further promoted the global 'Nanny State' agenda.

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